AH, you’re entering into the realms of PP’s spiteful imagination. I haven’t claimed secret access to deleted posts, but I do know the Spare Editor said this:
//What naomi24 says is correct: questions or answers that do not break
Site Rules can be reinstated if they are brought to our attention.//
Confirming that all deleted posts are not automatically assessed.
Moving on, the mod in question said, among other things, this:
//The reason it was removed is because the claim that humans aren't responsible for Climate Change is pseudoscientific and flies in the face of the available evidence.//
And on another occasion, this: //There was never any danger of this post disappearing, either before or after the "new" rules were introduced//
Psychic I expect.
The few posters contributing here who were also present on the threads in question must have forgotten they were around…. but I haven’t.
I’m not posting links and I won’t wait for an apology for your rudeness, but the threads are there for anyone who wants to look.