"Normal cars weren't banned for 100 years when they were first involved in killing people." - people react differently when a machine kills. I don't say they'll be banned for 100 years, it will take that long for them to a) be safe and b) induce the public to believe it.
"The economic and social drivers for those, and indeed autonomous cars are far too great for that." - indeed but they are not ready, we are not advanced enough, it is dangerous to unleash millions of killing machines onto the road when we can't even program a robot to wire a plug yet.
"Regulation and law will evolve to mitigate against the issues that are shown to arise but like 'normal' cars mistakes will happen, albeit less mistakes by the computers." - possibly but we'll never get away from the fact that a person must be responsible, if that's true then the whole thing is pointless.
"When all vehicles are autonomous the roads will be a much safer place than now, the crossover will be the most dangerous part." - agreed, but that'll never happen, it would mean all of us are barred from the streets, no pedestrians no cyclists, no motorcyclists. society will never accept that.