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Is This A Good Tactic By Trump?

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ichkeria | 08:26 Tue 25th Aug 2020 | News
26 Answers

If he keeps banging on about this, won't it just put his people off turning out if they think there is no point?
Admittedly he said the same thing last time, if less stridently, and won, but last time things were a lot closer.


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Makes you wonder why Trump keeps pretending absentee voting and mail-in voting are different things, makes you wonder why he's against expanding the ability to vote amidst a pandemic that might put people off turning up in person; and makes you wonder why mail-in voting, which has existed in the US since the Civil War, is only now a problem for Trump and...
16:35 Wed 26th Aug 2020
I watched about 20 minutes of this guy's ramblings, last night, Ich, and he was creating scenarios where it would be likely (not just possible) that those with no intention of voting would gladly give their ballot papers to anyone who knocks on the door and asks for them! Maybe he is trying a little reverse psychology; make his followers believe his lies in order to get them off their butts and into the polling booths?
Really. Were non-voters responsible for his election then ?
"Supporters cheered him, chanting: "Four more years!"" of douchbag, down with senator daterape.

With apologies to family guy ;-)

OG; he called it 'harvesting'. The ballot papers would then be used to vote for the Democrats. And, as he pointed out more than once, there are 80M of these postal votes being sent out, the majority in Democrat heartlands. He also told his followers that the result of the election may not be known for "days, months...years. Maybe never"!!
Whilst wrong, whichever party does it, (or thinks of it ?) I suspect they wouldn't hand them over unless they approved of someone else sorting the vote out for them. It's not being a non-voter if you get someone else to put in the effort believing you know who they'll vote for on your behalf.
He is getting more and more ridiculous.He was reported as saying that if he loses the election he will not quit as the Democrats will have fixed it.
No it is not a good tactic.
It makes him look like he is expecting to lose.
People would sooner not vote, than vote for a loser.
(Corbyn got 3 million less votes than 2017).
He appears to be laying the groundwork for refusing to accept the result in the event that he loses.

It's probably a good tactic for winding up the thick and the gullible that support him.
"He was reported as saying that if he loses the election he will not quit as the Democrats will have fixed it."

Can you show me footage of him actually saying that?
He's said that the only way the republicans can lose the election is if it's rigged.

That implies he'll refuse to accept the result as a valid one if they lose. Whether that refusal translates to attempting to use his power to get it declared null and physically refusing to leave, is another question. It may just mean that he spends the rest of his life moaning about it on Twitter.

We'll see. He may yet win.
I don't think Trump has ever explicitly said that he'll refuse to accept defeat -- but on the other hand it's logically impossible for him to do anything else. If you refer repeatedly to the election as "rigged", "fraudulent" and "corrupt", then it stands to reason that you cannot accept defeat as legitimate.

etc etc
Makes you wonder why the Democrats are so keen on mail-in voting.
Makes you wonder why Trump keeps pretending absentee voting and mail-in voting are different things, makes you wonder why he's against expanding the ability to vote amidst a pandemic that might put people off turning up in person; and makes you wonder why mail-in voting, which has existed in the US since the Civil War, is only now a problem for Trump and Republicans.

I dread the thought of Biden in the White House, and Pelosi pulling his strings.
A comp!eye disaster for the American people, and the whole western world.
Anyway don't worry, Trump WILL win :-)
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He was going to “lock her up” “build a beautiful wall” etc etc
If he loses he’ll go.
But make a hell of a fuss
I think the wheels of justice are turning very very slowly regardins, ''she,'' and maybe some money thrown into the cogs to jam them up. Who knows?
Its not over yet for the Clintons.
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So which of the Clinton conspiracy theories do you adhere to?
I'm looking forward to seeing him dragged out of the White House if he refuses to go.
You're going to be disappointed.
There are redux-artists in many places.

"each state governs its own election rules. So no one is actually talking about universal mail-in voting for the entire country...
...Trump will probably cast his presidential vote absentee in Florida. We know this because he voted, absentee, and in the Florida congressional primary on Tuesday."

A new Amendment to their Constitution would be necessary to mandate mail-in voting for the entire country. (a very difficult and time consuming process)
Absentee voting and mail-in voting both require signature verification ( as in UK postal vote)

jim360, seems you think it is "logically impossible" to *not* do something you have never explicitly said you *would* do ??

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