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There's Some Right Dimlos Knocking About !!!!

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Bobbisox1 | 15:27 Fri 28th Aug 2020 | News
62 Answers
What is the matter with these people ?????
To knowingly board a flight after you tested positive ?


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so they got tested but didn't wait to get the result?
I actually heard on a late news last night that the text was received whilst they were seated on the plane before departure, and confirmed they had informed a crew member. Just shows how the media works these days!!
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Yes it does Apc, if I knew who they were I'd say Hey ,you're not Dimlos after all haha
there are some right dimmos

presumably thought he would lose the flight ( I expect Bedknobs to correct - or she)and money.

and a paed in Ebolaville knew he had it ( ebola that is!) and flew to Liberia - and took 500 with him - including himself. Truly mind boggling. Fear probably
I think they should have cancelled the flight, and put the entire plane load including the crew, into Isolation.
quicker to shoot them
and say this is a short flight to Keswonda
you know that place
Amazing the Italians allowed this plane to land , they must have been informed. They should have turned the flight around and sent it packing ,back to the UK.
Gulliver, the plane was taking off from Stansted. The flight didn't take off.
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Apc I left and just let Gulliver and PP ramble on
It left only 20 minutes late.

//“Since this passenger & his companion had complied fully with Ryanair health regulations, they were both wearing masks at all times at Stansted Airport and for the very short period (less than 10 mins) they were seated on the aircraft prior to departure. There was little if any risk of C19 transmission to other passengers or crew members as all of whom were also wearing face masks at all times.

“The aircraft departed for Pisa following a delay of 1hr 20 mins to allow for the empty seats and overhead cabin bins to be disinfected to comply with all UK health authority guidance. Ryanair apologises to all passengers for this short delay”.//
I thought the standard AB derogatory term for air travellers was Imbies :-)
If they had a test they must have had symptoms. If you have symptoms you are supposed to self isolate.
I read in one report that they were tested as a result of the track and test system,they may not have had any symptoms at all.

It would have been safer to wait until the result had come through though.
APC, The plane did take off ,eventually .
The real dimness is the whole quarantine thing.
Quite staggeringly ridiculous.
Anyway, rant over.
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Surely you mean dimloness ich? :0))))
I do I guess. It feels like a stronger word for it :-)
I'm a huge critic of the Government's abdication of logic, common sense, and the nonsense they are coming out with, such as sitting in a pub for two hours without a mask is OK but having to wear a muzzle to pop into a shop for two minutes, arriving from Prague tomorrow at 3.59am is OK, but arriving at 4.01am requires a fortnight's of purdah etc..., BUT, you have to be a special kind of stupid to board a flight knowing you are infected.
>3.59am is OK, but arriving at 4.01am requires a fortnight's of purdah etc..., B

I doubt two flights would arrive within two minutes but you have to draw the line somewhere. Are you suggesting the measures should take effect immediately without notice, or they shouldn't be taken at all, DD?

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