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Looks Like I Was Right Again

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teacake44 | 12:38 Mon 31st Aug 2020 | ChatterBank
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I did say a few weeks ago when the government relaxed holiday travel abroad, that we would see planes coming back to the UK full of covid cases, well we've seen the first TIU flight. And that's the one we know about.??


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// Teacake seems to be claiming plane travel is a higher risk... which it may be. // that's almost certainly correct. the capacity of buses and trains is substantially reduced, whereas the aviation industry has no such limitations - Michael O'Leary et-al having moaned that flying a plane at less than capacity was not economical. Guidance on masks says that...
13:35 Mon 31st Aug 2020
Give yourself a pat on the back then.
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Did anyone believe any differently?
Why do you seem to get so much pleasure by saying...rightly or wrongly..."I told you so....nar, nar, nar".
How old are you?...
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13.47' lots on here said there was less chance traveling on a plane than a bus or train. I think my answer to that if I remember was that, 2 x flights, there and back, may be total 8 hours is a lot more time than a 20 min bus ride.
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13.44 Who said anything about pleasure, ( but you) just stating what I said a few weeks ago.
Unlikely, teacake. Plane passengers don't all have to quarantine for 15 days under supervision and get a negative test before being allowed on. Unless you believe that flying "cures" covid... I don't imagine anyone would have expected anything different.
It wasn't exactly "full" of Covid though, was it? Sixteen cases among 193 passengers and crew. I'll repeat what I posted on another thread yesterday (particularly relevant as the island of Zante is mentioned, which is where the flight in question originated from):

The average daily number of new cases across the whole of Greece over the last seven days was just over 200. Not surprisingly most of the cases are on the mainland. Today, on the islands, 15 new cases were reported on Crete, 7 on Lesbos, 2 on Zante, 2 in the Cyclades (the specific islands are not confirmed). Over the past seven days in the UK the average daily number of new infections was 1,244. In the last seven days in Birmingham there were over 300 new cases.

Your prediction was almost bound to come true at some point (and the Zante-Cardiff flight was on 25th August). There's no knowing where the people on board contracted the virus. If they'd been abroad for only a week the chances are they were infectious before they left. But looking at the figures I provided above, I'd be far more concerned about potential infections on a train from New Street to Euston.

Virtually every time I return from abroad I have some sort of bug. A short while after Mrs NJ and I returned to England in late February we both had a horrendous cough and 'flu like symptoms. Lasted about four or five days. We could well have had Covid (it wasn't fashionable then), who knows? People catch infectious diseases. It cannot be prevented. The sooner that is accepted the quicker we can abandon all the pretence that we can be "kept safe". The lunatics that are devising all the ridiculous measures from which we are all suffering can go and do something useful and life can resume as normal.
Lol one flight with 7 cases.

The number of deaths I notice has dramatically fallen in recent weeks and it will be interesting if the number of deaths stays low despite any rise in cases
Ok 16 cases ;-)
Teacake is now only actually claiming "less chance" rather than "none".
Have you got the statistics, TC, which show how many have contracted it on buses or trains? Maybe it is less, I don't know.
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16 cases among 193, only time will tell, has you have said in the past a test or temperature test, in and out of an airport, or on/ off a plane can result in negative. Four or five days later can be a whole different ball game.
So what do you suggest is done to address the problem?
What exactly were you "right" about, out of interest? Were people telling you it was impossible for covid to be brought here by plane? Not actually sure what your point is.
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14.05 don't get so upset, just because I'm making a point. Have I got statistics? Have government got any true ones? This has been confirmed!!
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14.10 Like I said from the beginning to ban all holidays abroad, only business travel, until the end of this year, to give more time for drugs to be tested.
I'm not upset in the slightest, just asking what you are trying to say? Of course it can come over on planes... I would be very surprised if anyone had denied that.
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14.14 It seems you weren't involved in past threads. So to help you, I said that plane travel was the main culprit for it traveling round the world so quickly, so it would be a good idea to ban holiday travel for the time being, or we were just hissing in the wind to reduce the spread in the UK.
Why do both you and guliver end a sentence with.?

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