News0 min ago
It appears that the beheading of innocents by Islamists in not limited to Europe, but is now happening in Africa and the Middle East. What can be done to prevent this?
https:/ / /news/w orld-af rica-54 877202
and there will, no doubt, be plenty of folk wanting to pull the lever. They could run it as a prize in their national lottery.
06:54 Tue 10th Nov 2020
Same thing happened in March.
Cut to the chase, the area has recently become oil rich, but the people remain desperately poor. The Government are stealing the wealth and employing Russian mercenaries to keep order.
Islamic Extremists spotting an opportunity, roll up, crush to Government forces (and paid Russians) and take over. Then start to dispense their mediaeval justice on the local populous.
Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, their sad plight is hijacked by bigots to point score over each other. They condemn the islamists, but barely a word of sympathy for the poor victims.
Repeated ad nauseam, sadly.
Cut to the chase, the area has recently become oil rich, but the people remain desperately poor. The Government are stealing the wealth and employing Russian mercenaries to keep order.
Islamic Extremists spotting an opportunity, roll up, crush to Government forces (and paid Russians) and take over. Then start to dispense their mediaeval justice on the local populous.
Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, their sad plight is hijacked by bigots to point score over each other. They condemn the islamists, but barely a word of sympathy for the poor victims.
Repeated ad nauseam, sadly.
// It took the extremist adherents to the "Religion of Peace" to bring it back into mainland Europe in the 21st Century.//
oh god both France and Germany used guilltines between the wars and presumably after it
BUT hell this is AB so why not stretch a point?
not mentioned in Q ( wha' - - guillotines? TTT might quip) which used kill ( qatala ) or cut them. I think
I dont have much appetite to search the Loran for references to beheading
oh god both France and Germany used guilltines between the wars and presumably after it
BUT hell this is AB so why not stretch a point?
not mentioned in Q ( wha' - - guillotines? TTT might quip) which used kill ( qatala ) or cut them. I think
I dont have much appetite to search the Loran for references to beheading
It’s easy to say ban axes when we live in a modern urban country and everything comes to us long time frozen, polythene wrapped and sanitised.
Other more rural countries slaughter their cattle and serve it fresh in the market. They clear fields, cut feed, make buildings from trees, and generally use an axe for what it was meant to be for, not muscling in on oil profits.
Other more rural countries slaughter their cattle and serve it fresh in the market. They clear fields, cut feed, make buildings from trees, and generally use an axe for what it was meant to be for, not muscling in on oil profits.