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Has Joe Biden Been Certified As Next President?

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ChingWan23 | 17:57 Thu 12th Nov 2020 | News
61 Answers
As Georgia in recounting and a few lawsuits?


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Has Joe Biden Been Certified? The question should have ended there.
18:11 Thu 12th Nov 2020
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There’s a difference between not conceding unreasonably early ( a la Gore in 2000) and not conceding AND blaming the media, the state, the democrats, Phineas and Ferb, Uncle Tom Cobbleigh and all for a conspiracy.
With no reasonable evidence.
Just like he did in 2016 when he won!
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it's strange that when seeing that huge amount of people marching in Washington yesterday for Trump and Biden got more votes on 3 Nov???
That doesn’t make sense.
In any case, the crowds in Washington were not massive
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The crowds in Washington close to one million.
"Earlier his press secretary Kayleigh McEnany had falsely claimed that a million people had attended the so-called Million Maga March..

But The Washington Post and Sky News reporters on the ground estimate that is more likely to be a few thousand people."

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People only need to look at the images when search: million maga march aerial view. Massive crowds there. Look at more views from difference press, difference countries reporting. Not just CNN, ABC, CBS... not even BBC and skynews those mainstream media. I do advise looks at more difference media, more and more likely the mainstream media have their own agenda. Common elements of principles in journalism including the truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness, and public accountability. How many ticks you will give to current mainstream media?
^^^ Not a lot
Ching; can you summarise the 'agenda' of the mainstream media?
Hmm there definitiely weren't anything like a million people there, having watched a lot of it.
And listened to the BBC interviews with some of them: most reasonable people.
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Hi Atheist, to summarise the 'agenda' of the mainstream media, looks like they are reporting/saying what they like to hear to those controlling the media. Don't tell me they are impartially reporting this year US election.
What fact-based information are they failing to report?
// The crowds in Washington close to one million.//
ah the dangers of internet
the fact that there were reports of one million present does not mean there were
it ends as it begins
at the inauguration they claimed many more people ( Sean Spicer said - "listen up you monkeys....more people attended..." and they hadnt ) - it has been a presidency of smoke and mirrors
oh dear late troll alert
so you asked - has Biden been certified knowing the answer in your heart was 'of course he hasnt'
and we have taken 5 d to get there - - oh lardy dar - and I could have done some ironing

ho hum, that is AB for you
Crobo - What fact-based information are they failing to report?
foo-da fact that Trump is still the lawful re elected president silly

do not feed the troll !
Of course there are over a million people there. Just ask Diane Abbott:-/
Don't ask Priti or there'll be eleventy one thousand hundred and fifty three million and a halfty.
ask TTT to count - he likes doing count downs which have meaning !
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Hi Peter, I heard from an Asian small media that Biden has not been certified as next president. As there are many fake new going around even in Asia and this Asian media might not know how western elections well. So I was not sure if their sources are right? By that time Georgia in recounting and a few lawsuits. But in the TV Biden looks like he is the next president. I was confused, so I asked AB, thank you Answer bank letting me know the electorol college does not vote until Dec 14th, no winner until then. At least, BBC and Skynews not reporting about 'no winner until Dec 14th of the electorol college vote.' To me both Trump and Biden are behave just like children, Trump asked to stop counting when he looked like wining on election night (shocking), seems has massive cheating in US election (shocking), media declared who is the president (shocking), Biden claimed he is the next president when vote still re-counting (shocking). If there are massive cheating, hope the true will out.

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