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Did You Know Dominic Cummings Is Set To Resign In The New Year?

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ladybirder | 00:21 Fri 13th Nov 2020 | News
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Yes .
I posted on the wrong thread.
After Trump going, the vaccine, now this!

Better days ahead hopefully
Oh did I spoil it some people won’t want to know till 10 o clock news .
ladybirder, Did you know he has already gone ?.
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I know he hadn't when I started this thread yesterday but I do now. What's your point?
I think gulliver's just updating you because you'd expressed an interest in the matter, ladybirder
In fairness LB, he hadn't gone when you started this thread yesterday. Gully is just trolling you.
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I know Mozz, thanks:-)

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Did You Know Dominic Cummings Is Set To Resign In The New Year?

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