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Here's A Thought....i'd Like Those Who Are Very Happy Knocking Boris's Leadership

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Bobbisox1 | 09:31 Mon 30th Nov 2020 | News
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To give us an alternative and why would they do better than he and his cabinet are doing,remember it's the party and not the man who got in with a good majority

Over to the Boris knockers

( not sure what section, sorry Ed)


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i think everyone is out of their depth on covid 19.
10:16 Mon 30th Nov 2020
well we will never know.
yes he'd no doubt be getting pulled in all directions by "experts" like Boris. The point is would our resident anti British lefty brigade be so vocal about that?
No, we won't. Which is why it seems insane that Corbyn's hypothetical response is judged more harshly than Johnson's actual response.

TTT should revisit at least one of his opinions.
// Can you imagine Agent TTT in charge?? //

the alternative is: no change and go out into the streets and play - business as normal

no not me - you asked what they wanted. Crazy Kent MP from the toilet county doing it on telly yesterday
making the point that the country of Kent should be free

not - - - er ---- doing THAT ( on tv or even on the tv)
so We know Boris did not sign up for all this but the point is he should admit he is out of his depth.Was the election about anti Labour of for Boris and the Tory’s .only Boris knows how’s he’s really doing I’ve said it afore I’ve said it in Brighton
Even the idea that Corbyn would be pulled in different ways by "experts" misses the key point: what if the PM were capable of even a passable understanding of the evidence and data analysis themselves? Would that not make a difference to how they responded? A PM with a medical or scientific background would almost certainly have a different reaction to, or different questions for, the experts they are consulting on this.

Even if you strip that away, a PM with a different idea of how to balance the competing factors would reach different conclusions; and even if you strip that away too, it's not difficult to find plenty of countries around the world who have had different (and, frankly, better) responses.

Finally, the entire premise of the thread is nonsense: you don't have to identify a solution in order to identify a problem.
I suppose, likewise, you could also point to leaders who've done a worse job still. At least Johnson has tried to listen to his advisers, has allowed them to speak, and hasn't actively worked to undermine them (except that nonsense about continuing to shake hands early on).
i think everyone is out of their depth on covid 19.
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/// Finally, the entire premise of the thread is nonsense: you don't have to identify a solution in order to identify a problem.///
Err thanks Jim,
Let's forget about Corbyn, he's yesterday's chip paper , I'd like the Boris knockers to tell me what they would of liked done differently ...? and with who at the helm ?
he has had no choice but to listen, he didn't have a degree in the sciences, so has no expertise that could have swayed his decisons, so has to make decisions on the stats given to him at any one time
It not about Boris It’s about people’s lives and we must be seen to be doing the very very best that is possible .If Boris had been doing that we would not be having threads like this
wait till later Bobbs, they will come out believe me, can;t resist to stick the boot in at any opportunity
"The point is would our resident anti British lefty brigade be so vocal about that?"
Probably not. But our resident right on Rabid Right brigade would have a field day.
Personally, TTT, i agree with your first statement. No matter who was in charge, the scientists would have to be listened to, and decisions based on their advice. As i have said (and i'm almost sure you did, too, some time back) Boris has cherry-picked which advice to cock an ear to.
Other PMs, however, may not have pulled dates out of the air, nor made such wild promises as "World beating track and trace."
Boris does like his one Liners to be fair.
Corbyn is not,nor will he ever be , prime minister. Ttt can stop looking under his bed .
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I must concur with Ken, in really against the date thing, no one can possibly know an if or when so giving a date is quite foolhardy imo
so he says nothing Bobbi, what then, we go on waiting and waiting
// ... he has had no choice but to listen, he didn't have a degree in the sciences ... //

There are at least two examples that completely undermine your point: Thatcher *did* have a degree in science (and, in the modern age, so does Merkel with a PhD). That would have an impact. At the other end of the scale, Trump has no understanding of science, or anything else, at all, and doesn't listen to his experts. Actually, there's evidence to show that Johnson has dithered and delayed in implementing expert advice as well.

Comforting as it may be to argue that no leader would have done any differently, it's manifestly false.
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Emmie, I don't thing he should give a specific date , yes by all means say 'approximately' because that's what people will remember and say ' But you said' ( date)
and he gives an approx date and that turns on its head because the scientists can't agree, looks like more u turning the left will say

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