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One Wonders What The French Would Do

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Paigntonian | 18:13 Wed 23rd Dec 2020 | News
48 Answers
if we banned their lorries coming here.


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What are you remoaners on about? They don't control their borders, once in France a truck can go anywhere in Schengen, so Italy for example may want to ban them but they have no actual way of doing so.
Well they do of course. They just set up ad hoc checks.
Easier to do with a sea border of course
our trucks have been banned allegedly due to covid concerns.

are we sure there's no hint of strongarm tactics to force us to hand our fish to the french?
TRY, you're wrong.

"The Schengen Borders Code provides Member States with the capability of temporarily reintroducing border control at the internal borders in the event that a serious threat to public policy or internal security has been established.

The reintroduction of border control at the internal borders must remain an exception and must respect the principle of proportionality. The scope and duration of such a temporary reintroduction of border control at the internal borders is limited in time and should be restricted to the bare minimum needed to respond to the threat in question. Reintroducing border control at the internal border should only ever be used as a measure of last resort.

The reintroduction of border control is a prerogative of the Member States. The Commission may issue an opinion with regard to the necessity of the measure and its proportionality but cannot veto such a decision if it is taken by a Member State."

Apologies, "TTT" not "TRY".
Ironically the EU has been trying to persuade member countries to halt its ban on Britain.
Some EUSSR ...
"But for the global public health emergency the French would not be able to (legitimately) prevent the movement of goods and people between member nations."

Or the threat of terrorism, organised crime and secondary movement of migrants.

Schengen has always allowed for temporary reintroductions of border controls in such cases as those listed above and France (amongst others) introduced 6-month non-COVID border controls back in November.
That's the link my quote comes from and it shows there are already countries within the Schengan area with border controls as a result of the pandemic.
TCL, 18:11, yes technically they can but there ain't a border post on every road is there?
I have no idea how many border posts there are in Denmark but I know your claim that, "once in France a truck can go anywhere in Schengen" is wrong.
no it's not what is going to stop it? have they got every road covered 24 hours a day? Seems like a lot of effort when the idea is no border.
//Schengen has always allowed for temporary reintroductions of border controls//

Quite so. But this has nothing to do with Schengen as the UK was not party to it when it was a member of the EU and certainly isn't now that it has left.
NJ, I know that but TTT would have us believe the Schengen agreement means there are no border controls at all within that area once in it.
There aren't unless an emergency situation is established.
To anyone who feels left out, Bog Off.
I suppose they'd have to eat their own fruit and veg rather than selling it to starving Brits; or sell it to their fellow Europeans. I'm not sure the French would be losers if they, rather than the British, had to eat Spanish oranges (though I'd certainly miss them at this time of year).

Meanwhile, British retailers are flying food in

I expect the same would apply in reverse if the situation were reversed and the French were short of what they need from Britain (though it seems the planes themselves are what they spend most on purchasing).
This just proves what we Remainers knew all along - the EU does allow member states to control their own borders.

So the Big Lie about being "swamped with immigrants" was just another scaremongering ploy by the deceitful Brexiteers. The damage they have done is incalculable.
there was no big lie about being swamped with immigrants. Immigrants were not an issue for most brexiteers.
We've entered a parallel universe it seems.
NJ, these countries have border controls because of emergency situations.



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