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Anyone Finding Tier 4 Different To Tier 3?

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Bobbisox1 | 13:45 Fri 01st Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
We aren't, perhaps that's because we haven't been going out to shops etc and mixing with others, Christmas Day was an exception , the furthest I was in tier 3 was to the hairdressers and to have my nails done somewhere else , and even that was just twice at the HD and once getting a manicure, neither of which I'll be doing again in the foreseeable


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I could do with a haircut but God knows when I'll be able to get one.
No difference.
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No me either Mamya
My wife losing her hairdresser is our only loss; she's been cutting mine for the last 50+ years, so no loss there.
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I do my husbands too, what little he has left , lol
Of course it's different - I, on my own, can only see one person (also on their own) outside as opposed to being able to "meet" in groups of 6 outside. I couldn't care less about the hairdressers and even less the nail bars.
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I'm not bothered about them either Diddly, they were there for the use of and I used them, that isn't saying I miss them, well maybe getting my haircut but that's no big deal, I won't!
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Not much different here, I see one other person, my husband!!
We went quickly from tier 2 to 4. The only difference was my daughter tested positive, so we now have to isolate.
All year, we have been as careful as possible, no matter what was "allowed". I don't particularly understand the difference with different tiers, we are just doing what's needed here.
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How is your daughter Pixie?
She seems well thank you xx had a day of fever and a day with loss of taste.... but otherwise, good. Thanks xx
The big difference is that in Tier 3 my OH and I could meet our son and family (2 adults + 2 children under 5 who don't count towards the 6)+ our daughter in a public outside space. Now we can't so it's a big deal.
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It's good hearing there's a 'mild' form of it , we rarely hear this, I wish her well x
I usually get my hair cut every 6-7 months and the last time was in September I think. Had about 10inches off so it was very short. Its growing back quick but I just keep it tied up.

Can't remember the last time my nails were done. Was a few years ago at least. Just cut and file them myself.

I've got so used to staying at home now I can't be bothered to even get ready and go to the shops for food and essentials. I've turned into Waynetta Slob! Lol
Thank you xx she cleaned and disinfected the entire house two days later... so obviously felt ok. Mine and my son's came back negative. Although I still seem to have more symptoms than she does lol. We still have to isolate for now xx
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Diddly, neither can we, we kept away from my daughters house most of the time anyway in tier 3 , she works at a Dentist and it was her choice to have as little a contact with us as possible
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My friend called before we went into tier 4
" oh I think I have a cold coming on"
I sanitized everything in sight when she left , she only came because she owed me money after I got her something off Amazon and only stood in the hall
Bobbi, myself and my sister have both had sore throats, temperatures, sneezing, but both negative. I still wonder how we could have caught anything, bearing in mind the handwashing, masks, distancing etc. Particularly as I never get colds usually.
Not noticed any difference really. Tier 4 mean that non-essential shops have to shut, but that won't bother me as long as the supermarkets stay open !

I do my own hair Bobbs, even cut it myself !
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It certainly makes you wonder Pixie, if I do get it, it means it's crept in under the door as we haven't been out :0(

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