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Brexit: How Much Disruption Has There Been So Far?

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Roobaba | 10:42 Mon 01st Feb 2021 | News
60 Answers
BBC News Brexit: How much disruption has there been so far?

Disruption at the ports?.. Supply problems?.. Price increases? etc.. your comments?



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"Aldi's middle aisle is suffering. Our local Aldi has offered up apologies and the aisle is shrinking!!"

There's plenty of other places to get a pink sports bra, a paddling pool and a socket set, but as far as "Empty supermarket shelves, higher prices..." are concerned, it's got to the point where Gulliver is just making things up now.

The supermarkets are very well stocked and there's no meaningful/any(beyond normal) changes to the prices.
Lets face it any sort of disruption this may be crating is going to be covered up by government for as long as they can. In saying that I've not heard of any problems, so may be government are doing a good job of keeping it under cover. :0)
//More than there should have been. Boo Boris! //

Haha! Still smarting, Jim? Never mind. I told you the sky wouldn't fall. Good old Boris! ;o)
First of all, it's utter nonsense to suggest that Remainers (except for perhaps a lunatic fringe that isn't worth taking seriously) *wanted* Brexit to go badly. Secondly, "the sky didn't fall in" is such a low standard as to be meaningless.

Hopefully the disruptions that there are prove to be relatively minor, but that they exist at all is a shame.

Thirdly, there is such a thing as a bad winner.
Yeah but ... no but ... nothing changes. :o)))
Indeed not. For instance, you still haven't learned how to have a debate while showing actual manners. I live in hope that one day, maybe, you'll be able to make a point without trolling.
I wouldn't think anyone on here knows whether its good or bad, prices in the shops/ supermarkets go up and down all the time.
The only people that do know are people that have a business, especially imports and exports. The only ones that I've seen on the news complaining so far are the fishermen, but then they've always been complaining as long as I can remember, but I've never seen a poor one, considering the are prepared to lay out between half and one million pounds for a boat?? you don't get that sort of loan with a small income.
Think the way the NHS is struggling , the UK just might have to wind their neck in a little, and welcome the return of the E/U nurses they frightened away .
Interesting prog on Radio 4 earlier. The EU with it's impoverished member states are moaning they are back of the queue for covid jabs, but have paid nothing. Stuff them.
No shortages in the supermarkets that I have seen. No real-time in prices either! More fish available locally. I see that the EU did not invest much in any vaccine last year. £25 in the US,similar amount in the UK, EU spent £3+. Are they running short of money? They tried not to help Italy or Greece last year, and now they have lost our contribution too. Just asking!
\\Empty supermarket shelves , higher Prices , no freedom of travel, getting more like USSR eery day .
And thats just for strarters.//

I've not seen any empty shelves, no price increases, freedom of travel, hmmm..... coronavirus?
Jim, You picked up on my post - which wasn’t addressed to anyone in particular - and I responded by making it clear in a light-hearted manner than I am not entering into your usual rambling rhetoric on this subject. Brexit is done - thank goodness - and neither levelling your repetitive criticism at the whole process ad infinitum nor getting into a strop with me because I disagree with you will change that. As for ‘manners’, you, as a mod, should know better than to wrongly accuse anyone of trolling - particularly a long term member - and I shouldn’t have to tell you that.

Gulliver, //Think the way the NHS is struggling//

I’ve just taken someone for their Covid jab. Struggling? Not a bit of it. A superb service. Absolutely superb. Well organised and second to none for efficiency. Save your criticism for the EU!! They’re the people struggling.
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Roobaba's thoughts - as the OP I was aware of the fact that anything related to 'B-exit from EU' was likely to provoke possible jibes from the pro and anti sides of the divide.. and it has! The recent 'double shock' of a new trading environment for the UK outside the EU plus the restrictions caused by coronavirus are now creating the biggest business slowdown of our lifetimes, with business conditions worsening let's all hope for the best.

Interesting.. the 'pro' and 'anti' effect on the views expressed..

'85% of ‘very strong Remainers’ think that Britain’s economy will be worse off as a result of leaving the EU. 71% of ‘very strong Leavers’ believe it will be better off.

74% of ‘very strong Remainers’ reckon that Britain will have less influence in the world as a result of leaving the EU. Only 6% of ‘very strong Leavers’ agree with them.

Zacs-Master - //I think if you have to ask, there ain't been much. There would have been threads on here the moment any major negatives had been announced. //

I'd suggest we're likely to see cumulative minor negatives that go unreported until they reach a point that we notice them, but it's still early days as has been mentioned.

Jim360 - // First of all, it's utter nonsense to suggest that Remainers (except for perhaps a lunatic fringe that isn't worth taking seriously) *wanted* Brexit to go badly. //
Hopefully the disruptions that there are prove to be relatively minor, but that they exist at all is a shame. //

I agree with Jim, hopefully overall the disruption proves to be relatively minor, any disruption at all really is a shame and is costing both time and money. Only a reasonable minded person, not labelled 'a crazy' would want things to work out badly for the UK. The difference in mindset between 'pro' and 'anti' that I'm now seeing thanks to my pro leave friend is his outlook on life, he says "don't worry about the things we can't change".. whereas people like me worry about all sorts of seemingly minor and irrelevant trivial things, things beyond our control but nonetheless we feel compelled to be concerned about and attempt to understand.. so there you go, it's easy to have an 'airy-fairy-optimistic-don't-care-outlook' when you don't have to worry too much if at all about possible real-world consequences.. queues of lorries.. supply problems.. price increases etc. I guess we will find out more in the coming weeks and months.
I call it as I see it, Naomi, but if I saw it wrong then I apologise.

All the same, if you didn't want to enter into a discussion, then better to just say so, rather than post something virtually indistinguishable from mockery.
No idea if it's anything to do with Brexit but popped into Poundland, as I do often, was surprised how many items had gone up from £1 to £2. That's a big jump and I am sure because some of the items are ones I regularly buy.
Paigntonian, make no mistake, there are people here who, day after day, made it their business to scaremonger and who would have taken great delight in saying ‘I told you so’. A successful Brexit has come as a great disappointment to them.
"A successful Brexit has come as a great disappointment to them."

Bless you, you think this is it! Maybe when you leave school you'll see things differently.
I personally haven't seen any disruption, except as I said on other threads, that HS2 has been able to continue, because we didn't leave quickly enough.
That's a lot of disruption, we should have left sooner.
"A successful Brexit has come as a great disappointment to them."

As a matter of interest, what do you think does/will constitute a successful Brexit?
I'm not trying to get into an argument about it, just interested to know your view.

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