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Roobaba's thoughts - as the OP I was aware of the fact that anything related to 'B-exit from EU' was likely to provoke possible jibes from the pro and anti sides of the divide.. and it has! The recent 'double shock' of a new trading environment for the UK outside the EU plus the restrictions caused by coronavirus are now creating the biggest business slowdown of our lifetimes, with business conditions worsening let's all hope for the best.
Interesting.. the 'pro' and 'anti' effect on the views expressed..
'85% of ‘very strong Remainers’ think that Britain’s economy will be worse off as a result of leaving the EU. 71% of ‘very strong Leavers’ believe it will be better off.
74% of ‘very strong Remainers’ reckon that Britain will have less influence in the world as a result of leaving the EU. Only 6% of ‘very strong Leavers’ agree with them.
Zacs-Master - //I think if you have to ask, there ain't been much. There would have been threads on here the moment any major negatives had been announced. //
I'd suggest we're likely to see cumulative minor negatives that go unreported until they reach a point that we notice them, but it's still early days as has been mentioned.
Jim360 - // First of all, it's utter nonsense to suggest that Remainers (except for perhaps a lunatic fringe that isn't worth taking seriously) *wanted* Brexit to go badly. //
Hopefully the disruptions that there are prove to be relatively minor, but that they exist at all is a shame. //
I agree with Jim, hopefully overall the disruption proves to be relatively minor, any disruption at all really is a shame and is costing both time and money. Only a reasonable minded person, not labelled 'a crazy' would want things to work out badly for the UK. The difference in mindset between 'pro' and 'anti' that I'm now seeing thanks to my pro leave friend is his outlook on life, he says "don't worry about the things we can't change".. whereas people like me worry about all sorts of seemingly minor and irrelevant trivial things, things beyond our control but nonetheless we feel compelled to be concerned about and attempt to understand.. so there you go, it's easy to have an 'airy-fairy-optimistic-don't-care-outlook' when you don't have to worry too much if at all about possible real-world consequences.. queues of lorries.. supply problems.. price increases etc. I guess we will find out more in the coming weeks and months.