TTT - // Ditto that, I though they wanted out of the public eye? They are signed up to go on the Oprah show 4FS! //
I have put forward this point before, but it bears repeating.
There is a world of difference between what an individual chooses to share with the world at large, and what is shared without their consent - that is invasion of privacy.
That means that if the couple choose to be interviewed on TV and say whatever they choose to say, that is their choice, and that is a choice that we all should have.
However, if the media intrude into their lives in a way that means issues private to them are exposed without their control, then that is an invasion of privacy, and that is not acceptable for anyone, even if they do choose to be in the public eye.
It's a vitally important distinction, and one that it is very easy to miss, but it's still valid, and everyone is entitled to privacy, however public they choose to make some areas of their lives, because that is their choice.