been following both stories, one is about couple of prize pooches, glad that she has them back, but the other seems to be a number of kidnappings, horrendous whichever way you look at it.
I found out about the kidknapped girls a couple of days ago Webbo, and as disgusting as it is, it seems to be a regular occurrence in Nigeria, with their crooked, useless government doing nothing about it.
It does make me wonder though, instead of criticising others for following a completely unrelated story, what was stopping you from starting a discussion thread about the girls?
People like dogs. Caring about one doesn't exclude you from caring about the other. As I said, it it's something that bothers you, start a thread, alert people to the events in Nigeria.
Its not 'fawning over ' dogs. It's sympathy, often from fellow dog owners. Petnapping is becoming more and more prevalent...not just lady gaga, but ordinary folk. Like the uni student near me who was beaten to the ground when thieves tried to take her guide dog.
She was rather silly to offer the $500000 reward for their return no questions asked. Lol and behold they were returned. Open season for dogknappers now.