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Thorntons Melting Away

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tiggerblue10 | 19:33 Mon 15th Mar 2021 | News
32 Answers

Another high street retailer closing it stores. Maybe not as important as other types or retailers but sad nonetheless with job losses.

I loved going in there and picking out my little collection of truffles :o(


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I think the last one in London was at Westfield, but it may have closed. All the rest did, long ago. They never had anything new in them so I'm not surprised they're in retreat. I assume they'll still be manufacturing and selling through supermarkets.
They will still be selling online. If I want to buy fancy chocolates I buy Lily O'Briens these days.
The last time I had Thornton's, about 6 years ago, I hated them. The flavours were rather chemical tasting
Shame about the shop closures, I shall miss those Alpini's. Still I suppose there's the supermarkets.
/Can't stand these posh chocolates. Give me a Cadburys Freddo any day/

Wouldn't call Thorntons posh!
I recall getting the children's names written on their Easter eggs.
Pasta, the chocolates definitely changed after they sold out to Ferrero
/How's Hotel Chocolate doing?/
I'm doing my best to keep them going, just finished some of their chocolate covered cherries, excellent.
Noooo! Thank goodness I can still get their toffees through other outlets.
//Pasta, the chocolates definitely changed after they sold out to Ferrero\\

As did Cadbury's when they sold out to Kraft.
I used to love going into thorntons stores in northern Ireland where I live I've loved their chocolate and the personalised Easter eggs and Ice cream and fudge I'll be sad to see it shut down.
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I haven't been into a Thorntons for a number of years so don't know if the recipes changed after Ferrero.

I feel sorry for the staff losing their jobs along with the thousands who have already lost theirs.
not a big fan of their chocs, I found them rather sickly.

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