When I saw the scene on The Crown where Diana Spencer entered a room containing the queen and other bigwigs and got the curtsying business wrong, I thought it was an invention by the producers to underline the nonsense of the monarchy.
Not a bit of it.
Peter Wilby, in his weekly 'First Thoughts' column in the New Statesman, relates this story. An elderly monarchist wanted to 'do her bit' after Diana Spencer was killed, so got an unpaid job at Kensington Palace dealing with the post and such like.
One day she was carrying a tray of tea and biscuits along a corridor when she encountered Princess Anne, and the protocol was to curtsy. The old woman didn't, fearful that she might drop her tea and biscuits.
Later that day, she was reprimanded by her superiors; Anne had reported her insubordination. The old women left the Palace immediately, foreswearing any future support for the monarchy or any of their hangers-on.
poor princess di carried everyoone with her as a gamine who didnt know narfin
in fact three of her grandparents were courtiers and she was born in a grace and favour residence ( hovel rent free held by the Queen)
Earl Spncer and Lord Stamfordham ( aka Bill Nighy ) were two grandfathers - yes that is stam-fuddem
I fully believed the scene in the Hall fo the Queens House Greenwich masquerading as some country house ( althorp probably ) - playing peekaboo behind a dripstand or beanstalk ( Di was v thin even then) - megaphone in hand, hacks with note books ready
No, I don’t think it’s hypocritical, mozz. I think it’s a natural conclusion. Margaret had a reputation for being extremely ‘precious’ about her status. Ann does not.
I like Anne. She calls a spade a spade and is very down to earth. Much like her Dad. She has a brusque manner, but I have never thought of her as haughty.
Bureyshirley //APG I think she's a haughty mare and I'm entitled to my opinion, just like you !//
Did I say you were not entitled to your opinion? No -just telling you that my opinion of Princess Anne is based on meeting her on numerous occasions -what's your opinion based on?
Chinajan -that was my thought exactly - you must have to go through enormous security to get a job in Kensington Palace -they dont just let anyone walk in off the streets to 'volunteer. Load of Toss if you ask me, written by someone with an Agenda obviously.
Crikey, didn't mean to cause offence or throw accusations towards Princess Margaret. In any case, I very much doubt this whole story ever happened as there is no link or proof.
Kensington Palace is not one great palace but is divided into a number of self-contained royal apartments. Princess Anne does not, and never has, lived there. The chances of this old dear bumping into her there are remote to say the least.
Ho-hum.I dont think Alan(er)london is anywhere near London.More like St Petersburg or Shanghai.(Or Wuheii,as that is where the main Chinese intelligence centre is).Get lost ya Xi or Putin apologist.