ChatterBank0 min ago
Unrest In The Eu.
Nothing on MSM about this.
https:/ / eguardi world/2 021/may /01/tho usands- mark-ma y-day-w ith-ral lies-in -france -spain- and-ger many
\\“The crisis has made us face up to an outdated labour model, based on casual work, seasonal employment and inequality … which is exactly what the labour ministry has started to change,” she said.//
\\At the rally, union leaders urged the government to honour commitments delayed by the pandemic, such as repealing a controversial labour reform, raising the minimum wage and approving a law on equal pay.//
Weren't we told being in the EU was good for workers rights.?
https:/ /www.aa /en/eur ope/cla shes-ma rk-may- day-pro tests-i n-europ e/22268 93
\\Riots overshadowed a May 1 labor day demonstration in Berlin Saturday evening amid fierce street clashes between police and radical leftist militants, according to local media reports.//
funny, it was the left causing trouble in Bristol.
\\In Madrid, ministers joined demonstrators to march from the town hall to the city's Puerta del Sol square, While in Berlin, thousands of protestors took to a bicycle rally in a protest against capitalism.//
I bet they were tweeting about it using their IPhones after
\\“The crisis has made us face up to an outdated labour model, based on casual work, seasonal employment and inequality … which is exactly what the labour ministry has started to change,” she said.//
\\At the rally, union leaders urged the government to honour commitments delayed by the pandemic, such as repealing a controversial labour reform, raising the minimum wage and approving a law on equal pay.//
Weren't we told being in the EU was good for workers rights.?
\\Riots overshadowed a May 1 labor day demonstration in Berlin Saturday evening amid fierce street clashes between police and radical leftist militants, according to local media reports.//
funny, it was the left causing trouble in Bristol.
\\In Madrid, ministers joined demonstrators to march from the town hall to the city's Puerta del Sol square, While in Berlin, thousands of protestors took to a bicycle rally in a protest against capitalism.//
I bet they were tweeting about it using their IPhones after
Tells us all really. The euromaniacs love to hold up their methods of internal closed markets and influence over the satellite states by the Brussels con scheme as an example of stability and social cohesion. When GB had a Commonwealth and trading partners all across the globe we were Imperialist Empire builders that were subjugating other people for our...
19:02 Mon 03rd May 2021
// Weren't we told being in the EU was good for workers rights. //
Thank goodness we are out of that and British workers can now look forward to enjoying fantastic rights and conditions. They won’t have to work impossibly long shifts at minimum rate, they won’t have to *** in a bottle because breaks aren’t allowed, they won’t face the sack if they are sick or pregnant. The future is bright in this new post brexit utopia.
Thank goodness we are out of that and British workers can now look forward to enjoying fantastic rights and conditions. They won’t have to work impossibly long shifts at minimum rate, they won’t have to *** in a bottle because breaks aren’t allowed, they won’t face the sack if they are sick or pregnant. The future is bright in this new post brexit utopia.
poor old sunk is missing the 60s and 70s with union loonies systematically destroying the country. He'd hoped like many that we'd just manage ourselves into another soviet bloc outpost. Even the wet tories thought there was no way to stop the rot. Then she, yes she, TGL was elevated to save us. Thanks mags for gutting those anti British union tawts. Thanks for bringing down the wall, thanks for winning the cold war, thanks for delivering the society we take for granted today. Forgive the anti British for they know not what they do.
\\There seems to be some sort of suppressed glee at seeing other European countries suffer economically. We still trade with them and go on holiday there so their misfortune affects us.//
Not at all, its more that the remainers are constantly telling us how wonderful the EU is when in reality its not.
\\There seems to be some sort of suppressed glee at seeing other European countries suffer economically. We still trade with them and go on holiday there so their misfortune affects us.//
Not at all, its more that the remainers are constantly telling us how wonderful the EU is when in reality its not.
I see that there have been record bankruptcies this year in Germany. Many of them should have occurred 12 months ago but had a stay of execution by hiding behind the covid emergency measures for business. That has now ended. Perhaps the End Capitalism banner is unnecessary then. The indicator that these are not the people that should be policy makers was in the banner that wanted the Palestinians "freed" and another particular group of people that the Palestinians were fond of throwing off tall buildings. Talk about a dichotomy. I cant use the same phrase that the banner did but it is here. The beep beep see will not show it.
https:/ /thumbs /i/P4ag g