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How Can Labour Recover?

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naomi24 | 11:23 Fri 07th May 2021 | News
147 Answers
I’ve just listened to a Labour spokeswoman (no idea who she was) saying that the way for Labour to recover is to return to the hard left. What is it they don’t understand?

If you were making decisions for Labour what changes would you implement to return them to a modicum of popularity?


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To be honest I am more than happy with the Labour Party as it is at present and have no desire to see it make a comeback. But then I would say that, wouldn't I?
yes you would Jack.....
however there should be some semblance of a party in opposition, to hold the current Tory government to account. Pity that Labour didn't seem to have any policies with which to beat Boris with.
No use Starmer wrapping himself in the Union Flag if he is going to embarrass himself by going down on one knee to honour an American criminal.Fight these BLM thugs Starmer, dont pander to them.For Christs sakes...
Is it just coincidence that Blair's old seat and Mandelson's old seat, the two principal architects of New Labour, are now in Tory hands?
Not to mention Gordon Brown and Alastair Darling.
If You Want Different Results, You Have to Try Different Approaches.

As Albert Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”

Labour take note!
After the absolute carnage that Corbyn caused leading to Labour's historic defeat, it was ironic to hear Len McCluskey on the BBC today saying, "Get Jeremy back". It appears Labour are determined to remain unelectable.
"It appears Labour are determined to remain unelectable."

They aren't meant to be electable - they are the natural party of opposition.
Watching Bridget Phillipson on the telly now. Kirsty Wark asking her what Labour has to do now. She says they have to change - well duh! But she has absolutely no idea what that change will be. And that, I think, is the problem. There's no-one left in the party who has the slightest notion what to do now...
Now Starmer is being interviewed. Totally incapable of giving a straight answer to a simple question. No clue at all.
Attlee and Bevan must be turning in their graves right now.Imagine either of these two greats going down on one knee to honour Nazi(BLM)thugs.
As I said in another thread I dont have any ideas on what he can do. The Party is more than two factions, there are around four.

There will never be a single party of SNP, liberal, greens and labour. For a start they dont all have the same agenda in the slightest regardless of left or right wing.

At present the Tories are occupying the 'New Labour' position as bought in by 'Call me Dave', continued by May and now Johnson. IMHO we do not have a proper right wing Tory Party any more - you know one that promotes business, cuts spending and boosts the economy with lower taxes. In fact the current regime is doing the total opposite of all of that.
'Taking the knee' was only one of SKS's big mistakes. The underlying problem is of course he is North London centric and follows the woke illiberal policies preferred there. He doesn't get the so called 'working man' doesn't subscribe to such ideologies.
Gordon 'bigoted woman' Brown was a disaster as Chancellor and PM and continues to be unhelpfull with poking his unwanted nose in. SKS need to shut him up.

Darling I actually quite liked. I think he got a raw deal, Brown had already sold off the gold and raided pensions and spent the lot. Darling was on a hiding to nothing.
"Why is it not democracy? Why does there have to be so-called “Left Wing” options?"

Because there would be no choice... you could vote for option A, the Tories, or option B, some other Tories, but called something else....

A wonderful situation for Tories and one which I suspect some of them would love to come about if Scotland secedes... but it is not a democracy if a vote is meaningless... it would be a Russian-style "managed democracy" - i.e. nothing of the sort.
If Labour go further left, they're finished for good. That ship has sailed. As new judge says, there's no rule that says there has to be a left wing opposition to a right wing govt and vice versa.

It's a pretty pointless opposition if it's got no chance of ever getting into power - Corbyn's 'resistance' movement.

America has a choice between two right wing parties, one a bit nearer the centre than the other. That's probably what has to happen here.
sks, flogging a dead horse comes to mind, when i listen to him, none of the others have a clue as to how to find a better way

You're suggesting he doesn't understand the "precariat" - low wages, poor working conditions, little job security? The problem is that these workers aren't unionised, so the power behind the throne, the big unions, aren't interested.
“ America has a choice between two right wing parties, one a bit nearer the centre than the other. “

I would not like us to end up like the USA.... as bad as our politics are I reckon theirs are a lot worse, and this is a big reason...

If both parties are right wing then they just engage in a race to go further right... e.g. the Republicans flirtation with fascism for the last few years.

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