Ellipsis - // You should ask if they still hold those views
What evidence there is that they have changed those views
Why they haven't deleted those past views (if possible)
Whether there's anything else you haven't uncovered //
First of all, if asked if he still holds 'racist views', what do you think Mr Robinson is going to say?
Yes I do / No I don't / I don't know.
What evidence there is that he has changed those views?
I never held those views in the first place / I haven't changed my views at all, even though they weren;t my views, I was too immature to actually have a view / I haven't changed my views, I hate black people, live with it.
Why he hasn't deleted those past views (if possible)
Can you remember an offensive joke you told ten years ago? Nor me / I didn't imagine in a free society than a day would ever dawn where I would be made to explain something I wrote as a teanger / I forgot all about it.
// Whether there's anything else you haven't uncovered //
I had forgotten about this, so I am unlikely to remember anything else from ten years ago / If there is it comes under the same catagory - stupid behaviour from a stupid youth since grown out of /I have no idea it was ten years ago, if it matters that much, go a-trawling and let me know what you find.
You are doing a fine job of exposing just how ridiculous this 'investigation' is - and the people who are daft enough to be doing it.