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Hancock Been At It?

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youngmafbog | 07:49 Fri 25th Jun 2021 | News
127 Answers
Alleged at present although a pretty damming phot.

I dont care who he has been poking but if it has been during the 'lockdowns' then it does become very much a problem given how the Government 'banned bonking'

Surely this little '***ing useless' weasel cant hang on much longer?


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Nice sense of humour from someone writing the Sky News report (my italics) :

Legislation in force at that point also said "no person may participate in a gathering" that "consists of two or more people... and takes place indoors".

There was an exception for "work purposes or for the provision of voluntary or charitable services", but it is not clear whether the health secretary believes the embrace was part of a work meeting .
I think Hancock knows that there is no need for SD anymore. In that sense, he's done us all a favour. If he can do it, and footballers can do it, surely the rest of us can? If Boris had lifted the State Control on June 21st, like he said he would, and not renagued on his committment, this wouldn't be an issue. But SC is here to stay. Don't expect any change on July 19th. Except for those in govt. It doesn't apply to them. You've all got to understand that.
He puts his tart in a highly paid job, and gives the NHS workers a 1% rise. It stinks to high heaven behind the doors of number 10, like its never stunk before. Go to hell Boris with any more restrictions, and regulations.
His position really is untenable but, as I may have mentioned before, so have the positions of several of this sorry cabinet many times over the past few months. So at least it’s consistent :-)
//He puts his tart in a highly paid job, and gives the NHS workers a 1% rise//

You got it right there TC - but these rissoles probably wouldn't think £1000 per day is "highly paid"!
Do you mean the PM’s “tart”?
His wife and mother of their child?
I think that’s out of order, much as I don’t like him.
Intentionally obtuse Ich?
I am going to watch an old episode of Hancock's Half Hour.

By the way Hancock is not the first man to play away or
her the first woman (was Eve not the second partner of Adam)

It happens Yes even in the Royal Family

We forgive and get on with life.

Remember all you out there who live in glasshouses.
I supported Brexit but did not think Boris should have succeeded May and even better prospects for PM have emerged since. If he is not prepared to exert the authority that he has been given in a case like this then I think it's time he went. Sack Hancock or both of you should go!
(I don't usually get worked up but this annoys me.)
I sympathise Dave, but personally I’m resigned to it. There comes a point where beyond which, once it’s been passed, you know that nothing is going to change.
The problem is that the next time Hancock's face appears on our screens, looking all sincere and caring, and he's telling us we must do X or Y to stay safe, we will all raise two fingers at him - or maybe just the middle one. If he can lie to his wife of 15 years, he can (and will) lie to the nation. Probably been doing so for some time.
Poorclare - reading the replies most don’t care about the affair. It’s the fact he broke the covid distancing rules,

Affairs happen. Always have. Always will.

But he was insisting we all adhere to social distancing while he doesn’t.
Interviewee on C4 News just made a rather damning point that rams home the public service issue. "We all remember the Queen at Prince Philip's funeral, sitting on her own ..." A fair comparison to the Health Secretary during his working day.
// /He puts his tart in a highly paid job, and gives the NHS workers a 1% rise//

chrissakes - or foo as they say on this site
there is only one tart and 1 000 000 workers in the NHS
Haven't read hardly any of the posts but I do feel sorry for Hancock's wife. Really do.
Johnson won't get rid of Hancock until it suits him to do so. He needs Hancock at the moment to be a potential scapegoat. When it is convenient he will drop him in it without a second thought. He certainly can't dump Hancock now for simply doing the sort of thing that Johnson has done many times.
Atheist - I was gonna say something similar but I think the time is now.
Boris' past sins have been exonerated by his new wife & child!
Maybe she was in his 'bubble'. ;o), Is that an euphanism?
| is sorry - but reading body language from a photograph - Hancock knew what he was doing - he knew he would be in the public eye and he has been enjoying - -sorry Mrs Hancock - marriage is over - whilst I have felt sorry for you.

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