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Free Speech Now Seriously Under Attack...

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naomi24 | 12:36 Mon 19th Jul 2021 | News
79 Answers legal minds on cancel culture fear. // The report, which has been drawn up by top QC Frances Hoare with a forward by former Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption, has detailed an assault on freedom of speech through recent hate crime legislation and workplace practices. It follows concerns that so-called “cancel culture” by woke institutions and activists is leading to people being forced out of their jobs, blocked from speaking, facing legal action or banned from social media platforms.....The 50 page report has proposed six eforms designed to give UK citizens the same protection as the First Amendment to the US Constitution.
These include a recommendation that the police should lose the power to investigate so-called “non-crime hate incidents” and the Scottish Hate Crime Bill should be scrapped.//

Not before time. And just as TTT posts his Bob the Builder thread too.


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Oh, the irony!
Zac are you bored? ;0)
These ''six reforms'' may decriminalize flipping the bird ?

I don't object to Naomi telling me off for moaning about other posters without posting a view myself. I don't see that as attacking my right to free speech.
Not really, Bobbi.
I just love these type of questions. The OP has posted threads before about hating the snowflake generation. From my perspective, claiming that freedom of speech generally is being eroded is typical ‘old fart’ territory and is, in itself, a snowflake reaction.

Just get on with your life instead of worrying about some isolated incidents of stupidity. The world will still turn.
Sill nothing on the OP then ZM.

Why are you so sanctimonious all the time. Yes everyone loosed their cool a bit once in a while but most on here do it out of frustration when a thread is being derailed. Often by you.

If you have nothing to say then let those that do carry on without your piousness.

NK //induvial police offers can't dictate what is worthy as a hate crime//
That was the the whole point of my post.Whan did police officers lose the right to determine what is a crime and what isn't. We might as well do away with the police colleges and training schools.Are they to become just recorders of incidents on which some higher authority will make a decision.
All too heavy for me , I’ll leave it to the knowledgable ones :0(
Twitter is a private company and can ban who ever they like. Their platform, their rules. High Court Judges have no right in meddling in how a private company runs its business.
Not many people are banned from Social Media, and when they, it is usually for good reason.
I’m hardly in here these days, YMB, so I don’t know how I can be accused of that, but when I do pop in, it’s the same things being discussed over and over largely by people who have far too much time on their hands and a warped perspective on the world.

Take a step back people. It works for me.
Well I kinda missed ya Zac in a perverse kinda way :0))))
Is perverse the right word? :0)))
( sorry Naomi , don’t wish to hijack)
is nt this white middle class blah-blah? ..... again
I thought ( thought not allowed unless it is in the form 'I think I agree with Naomi in that.....)
I thought it had to be a crime and you do the hate as icing

and indeed - as I googled UK hate crime I found
The police and the CPS have agreed the following definition for identifying and flagging hate crimes: "Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or ...

isnt this thread just white middle class blah blah ?
will we be murdered in our beds again, thread
I did notice the express somewhere

carry on boys and girls ....

there is something ineffably wonderful about a thread announcing "We must silence the cancellers!"
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That isn’t what they’re saying Jno. Try again.
It's comedians I feel sorry for, too afraid of what they are saying being taken as a 'hate crime'. Jimmy Carr is apparently waiting for something to crop up from his past which he said in jest and it ending his career !! In my opinion, it has gone too far the other way now and we have to seriously thing about anything we say before opening our mouths ...

I agree with the OP, not before time.
I don't like clicking Express links as being reminded of Diana, the people's princess, gets me all tearful.
"Twitter is a private company and can ban who ever they like. Their platform, their rules".

The 'Bay of Tweets' needs no coerced 99 year lease.
since you have neither offered an opinion nor asked a question, naomi, people are free to say what they like. Your only comments have been to complain about the responses you don't like.

This is a Q&A site: you can't be bothered putting a Q into your original post yet you grumble when people offer an A.

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