7 OP //" What worries me though is how dependent we seem to be on road haulage."//
Of course 7OP never said the above, i.e. " What worries me though is how dependent we seem to be on road haulage." was said by a worried TTT @ 11:37 Fri 24th Sep 2021....
"common sense" Link @ 22:39 Fri 24th Sep 2021 makes zero mention of actually paying the HGV drivers what they are worth ( MUCH more £££s than currently paid, ) just re-import the cheaper Euro HGV-ers again... now then, can't have these UK citizen driver proles getting too much dosh, eh?
exposing the spurious and specious "supply and demand.... market forces...the market price-finding mechanism" invisible hand pablum
( just like that Magic Money Tree that materialized during the covid-19 crony-slush-fund feeding frenzy)
Still, gotta keep the crucial 'bread' half of the crowd control 'bread and circuses' going, and the 'circus' half was in fact over functioning, but the bewildered herd had not been instructed via MSM to notice.
They ( the bewildered herd) seem to have no idea just what is coming this winter... neigh-Ho-ho-ho!