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Brexit Poll

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gulliver1 | 10:41 Fri 01st Oct 2021 | News
211 Answers
Only 4% of Brits think Brexit has gone well.
14% Fairly well.
21% Neither Positive or negative
21% Badly.
32%Very Badly.
8% unsure........Oh dear . What happend to the "sunlit meadow" promised.


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// 6546 GB adults surveyed // 6546 Is in fact a very high sample size in a poll. Election polls are usually between 1,000 and 2,000. GB adults surveyed seems to imply no polling was done in Northern Ireland, the region which has been most affected (and voted remain). A proper survey would probably show even more dis satisfaction.
11:22 Fri 01st Oct 2021
//and those who voted leave have to deal with the consequences //

We ALL have to deal with the consequences so the sooner remoaners get their backsides in gear & support an independent UK the better!
Roobaba, we are not doomed. Don’t be ridiculous. 27 countries belong to the EU. The other 170 or thereabouts manage perfectly well without it. Remainers need to get a grip.
I agree, we are better together. BUT sadly as with politics we are our own worst enemies.. I may offend some 'woke types' with these words.. tribal and tribalism come to mind. The day you and I can get along in perfect harmony is a long way off sadly.
I find solice in sarcastic humour these days, the cover of the latest Private Eye made me smile.

- image of a petrol station with a LONG queue -

"I've got to fill up so I can get to the empty supermarket...
and then cook nothing with no gas"

"Boris says everything is fine"
"He's panic lying"

"Are we there yet?"
"Yes, we're nearly at the 1970s"

"Britain's completely trucked!"

Hahahaha :O)

Independence is not the provence of the weak. Making your problems everyone else's problem solves no ones problems and succeeds only in dragging everyone else down along with you.

Yep, a good Private Eye cover this issue. - Very funny.

Private Eye sells mor per issue than the once mighty Daily Express - so there is still hope for sanity.
Naomi: "Roobaba, we are not doomed. Don’t be ridiculous. 27 countries belong to the EU. The other 170 or thereabouts manage perfectly well without it. Remainers need to get a grip."

What are the other 170 or thereabouts? Genuine question.
Adult 1/7 Kids 2/5
Sorry wrong thread
Countries all over the world form trade agreements with other neighbouring countries.
North America has a similar grouping with USA, Canada and Mexico. Has does the Carib and Latin countries. North Africa, Sub Saharan African and southern Africa are all part of trade groups. As do south Asian and the antipodean countries.
We *the UK) seem to be the only country extracting themselves.
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Atheist , welcome back I knew you wouldn't last long on Chatterbank.
.....We/I.. missed you.
//North America has a similar grouping with USA, Canada and Mexico. Has does the Carib and Latin countries.//

So tell me, do Mexicans have the unfettered right to live and work in the USA? Is there any form of (as an example) a "working time directive" that restricts the hours that the citizens of the members of this grouping can work? Does it impose fiscal rules and restrictions on its members? Does this grouping have a "Commission" and a "Parliament" that can impose legislation on its members which trump national laws? I could go on, but I'm sure you get my drift.
Atheist. Google it. Genuine answer.
Fair enough NJ.

The US of A happily have a Federalist set up where each state is fairly autonomous of the Government. The flaw in the EU was that many of the Directives were pan European and once enacted, were pernicious and counter productive.
For the 53% (Poll: Badly 21% - Very Badly 32%)

To quote the TWITter..
The Irony of saying that brexit is like turkeys voting for Christmas is getting better and better.

1. Nobody to kill the turkey
2. Nobody to to pack the turkey
3. Nobody to drive the turkey
4. No CO2 to store the turkey
5. No gas to cook the turkey

Plus now..
6. No fuel to drive to family to eat the turkey

Could things get any worse??

Soory, one too many to's I do apologise.. but I did use an apostrophe, I do hope I can be forgiven for my typo error (hangs head in shame).
Oh NO.. and now a spelling mistake, 'soory' should be 'sorry'.
Egg and chips it is then. We'll survive.

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