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Apparently It's National Comming Out Day? Perlease!

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ToraToraTora | 09:27 Mon 11th Oct 2021 | News
87 Answers
Just had my obligatory work email on the subject.


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Even has an anthem.....
Not forgetting this one Rowan, always played when me and the girls go to see The Ladyboys of Bangkok, a fantastic show in every way , they had legs to die for :0))

Try again


It's not a 'national issue'. It's simply a day set aside in the calendar.

Some others:

National Kimberly Day
National Kick Butt Day
National Online Bank Day
Southern Food Heritage Day
Emergency Nurses Day
​National Fossil Day
National Pet Obesity Day
National Transfer Money to Your Son Day
International Day of Rural Women

Coming really really isn't twaddle. It can be a liberating, positive act for young LGBT, their friends and families. I can imagine how horrible it must be for gay people terrified of being themselves, dating who they should be dating, and always having to be conscious of using the ;'right' pronoun.

For them coming out must be like the clouds parting.

Not 'twaddle'.
They are all twaddle SP so I fail to see your point.

Personally I just ignore these 'days', even if pertinent to me. All twaddle.
Just to be clear it isn't mandatory to 'come out' today. If you feel it doesn't apply to you then you can safely ignore it and nothing will happen.

My point is that these there are dozens of these days (in many cases dreamt up by marketing it PR companies) as a way to create a focal point.

…for instance HIV charities and support organisations can use National AIDS Awareness Day a day to focus fund-raising on, launch appeals and/or educational initiatives.

SP, which bit of //I know it's a big deal to some// didn't you understand - or did you just want to be contrary?

You said that coming out wasn’t a ‘national issue’.

If you read my response again you’ll see that I’m responding to that. It’s a day set aside, rather than a ‘National issue’ same as the hundred of other day.

I then went onto explain why coming out isn’t Teasdale - or we’re you saying that having a day for it is.

What is it that you were referring to a ‘twaddle’?

God knows what Autocomplete has been drinking.
SP, 'national' does somewhat give the impression that it's 'national' - and my reference to the difficulty some experience was clear enough.
I was going to say that I think we should remember all the other ‘national days’ and not get too caught up in semantics.

But now thinking about it - if this is something relative to hundreds of people (including the families and friends) across the nation - is it not right to refer to it as ‘national’?

And it’s good that you understand the difficult some face. Seeing as National Coming Out Day has zero impact on your life - I can’t see an issue.

Kinda like me with football. I have no interest in it, but if it’s important to someone else, it would be remiss of me to dismiss it as ‘twaddle’.
11:30 - so glad I'm out of the workplace now, all this daft 'wokeness' would drive me potty !!
They have designated LGBT car parking spaces in Germany.
lbgt parking spaces what are they disabled? makes no sense to me thats ridiculous and if anything it is damaging implying they should get or need special treatment? gay people and queer people are just like anyone else just normal people i dont see why their sexuality must mean anything to how they are seen in society its none of our business what their preference is parking spaces really? What The Funicular
//International Day of Rural Women//

Yeah, I've found one I can join!
//They have designated LGBT car parking spaces in Germany.//

Did they say why? I'd be very interested to find out. As well as that, how does one prove one is qualified to occupy the said spaces? must display your pink badge.

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