fender - // andy, there does seem to be a lot of them erm thousands creating havoc around the world, whole groups armies if you like, are they all deluded and psycho ... //
'Deluded' - absolutely. I think we can agree that interpreting any religious text as indicating that non-believers should be destroyed is not normal behaviour.
I know that some on here will trot out the age-old argument that the Koran and Islamic teaching does justify murder of non-beievers, but if that were true, then we would find millions of devout Muslims slaughtering Westerners until there were none left.
Since, and this is clearly a fact, it is a tiny minority of twisted minds that choose to see their teachings this way, it cannot be the standard and understood interpetation of the Islamc faith.
You can find people who will twist anything to justify their actions, that's human nature, but that does not automatically mean that their version of reality is the right one.
'Psycho' - possibly, obviously we have no way of knowing.
// i have mentioned this is sis boko haram taliban, are they all mad, or it it your version of whats considered normal human behavour, no..this is a concerted effort to put islam and its backward thinking ways forward. //
Of course it is not normal behaviour, and yes it is a concerted effort to put an interpretation of Islam, and that is a seriously important distinction, forward.
As I mentioned above - if every Muslim regarded murdering non-believers as the right and proper exercise of their faith, I would not be sitting here typing this, and you would not be sitting there reading it.