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gulliver1 | 21:29 Sun 17th Oct 2021 | News
54 Answers
Brexit bites again, The UK is short of four thousand Bus drivers who have quit their jobs to drive HGVs for loads more money.... Will this mean more food on supermarket shelves but you can't catch a bus or fill the tank up in your car to fetch it.?


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Without a link I do not believe you
You are making it up
Oh come on, SB! Almost every local newspaper, as well as the national ones, has been covering that story for the past week or two. For example, the East Anglian Daily Times has repeatedly reported on bus services being cancelled around here due to driver shortages, as has the Sheffield Star in relation to similar problems in South Yorkshire.

Even the Daily Wail has reported on it!
to be fair, this is the first I've heard of bus shortages but this is probably because it's not effecting the areas that I live in/travel too. @Stickybottle it is true though, just look it up and you'll find lots of articles on it.
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S/B @ 22.32 ..... "Oh ye of little faith"... .
Another problem, that's been getting quite a bit of press coverage lately, is that some councils might be short of gritter drivers this winter, due to them leaving for the higher wages that are available when driving lorries for supermarkets, etc.
Can you really drive a big HGV on a bus licence?
Avatar Image Buenchico
Oh come on, SB! Almost every local newspaper, as well as the national ones, has been covering that story for the past week or two

Given that I do not read a newspaper and have not heard it reported on the bbc news over the last week it has genuinely escaped me
I just put it down to the OPs usual Brexit apocalypse fantasy
Hardly a big news story then
Poor Gulliver worries so …
Plus the link in the Daily Fail says the services are merely under threat
Nothing about them being withdrawn completely
Try not to fuel the OPs fantasy Buenchico
He really gets off on it
jno jnr tried to get me an Addison Lee so I could go to his and babysit my granddaughter tomorrow. He couldn't get one, and was told it was because so many drivers had quit and started driving HGVs instead.
Wait at a bus stop and stick your hand out when an HGV approaches. If you're lucky one might pick you up out of habit.
They could always bring more bus drivers over from the Caribbean islands. They could call it Operation Windrush II.
i don't see any problems here in the capital, buses galore....
or walk and get rid of all that heart disease

I fort Brexit was dead - but there is this zombie.....
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this is straight market economics innit?
demand goes up so price goes up
and the only thing is that it is DESTABILISED by the lag caused by regulation ( therefore cd be over-regulation)

sozza serious point - - to be ignored
jno, most Addison Lee drivers here in the capital are foreign born, and often don't have a clue how to get from A to B, without their satnavs they would be useless. I have used them endless times and more often chatted to them on my journeys, which have been ones where i go and see family in Sussex, and the thought of them being able to switch to HGV is ludicrous.
Who would want to drive service buses.Abusive passengers,some leaving a calling card when out of view of the driver.You cannot blame anyone for going for the most money he/she can get.
Gully - if you don't even live here why are you so enthralled by the supposed trials & tribulations of our daily lives?
EMMIE, how is having to use a satnav an indication of the driver's inability to become an HGV driver?

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