When our first child was born we took the decision that we wanted her to be looked after by my wife during the day rather than palming her off to a stranger at a nursery at 7.30am to be picked up at 6pm, so my wife gave up work; my wife had a good job and this cut the household income by about 40% overnight - we had to make a lot of sacrifices for a number of years, and not small ones; for example we downsized, went down to one car, didn't have a holiday for years (OK, the latter two may be considered luxuries, but when you're used to them, it's a wrench).
Like NJ I don't go to restaurants that are child-friendly, so when I go out to restaurants I don't want screaming kids while their parents smile at them indulgently. I have absolutely zero interest in other peoples kids.
I have no issue in new mothers coming back to work, bloody good luck to them, but they should arrange it so there's little/no disruption to their work. A baby in the HofC is just nuts.