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What's Wrong With Showing Proper I D To Vote?

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ToraToraTora | 17:53 Mon 13th Dec 2021 | News
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...who could possibly object?


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//o god people on AB are so dim!// Some of them might be (though I doubt it). Most of them most certainly are not. There are some who may think others are dim but manage to keep quiet about it. Then there’s those who think everybody else is dim and try to demonstrate it by spouting often inappropriate Latin drivel four times a day, which nobody either needs or wants...
18:52 Mon 13th Dec 2021
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//If you can't be Apriled go to the polling station you don't deserve a vote.//

Sort of agree TTT, but take my case, I travelled all over for work and in doing so paid an absolute fortune in taxes on a high income. Should I be stopped from voting?
Postal voting should be restricted to the genuinely housebound. As it is it’s wide open to fraud.
How many were convicted of electoral fraud in the year of the last General Election, 2019?
Togo, it would be nice to find someone actually deserving of a vote in the present political climate.
My same questio nto you as well Naoimi. Are you saying I should be penalised for getting on my bike to find work?
100% behind you there Mozz
Postal Voting seems to be the main problem re voter fraud.
Wouldn't think many fraudsters turn up in person.
Can ID cards be connected to postal voting?
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No, I’m not saying you should be penalised but if I’m abroad when an election takes place I simply don’t vote. Rather that than leave the system wide open to fraud. What did you do before postal voting?
I've always found that to be the case, mozz. I have very rarely had anyone worth voting for. Even when I did, it was 3 times for the same subject.
We already have to provide id to vote here in NI
//but what about when you are refused your shopping because you are fat or alcohol because you siad something horrible or too drugs//

Whats that all about youngmafbog. You just made it all up. Pointless
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//o god people on AB are so dim!//

Some of them might be (though I doubt it). Most of them most certainly are not. There are some who may think others are dim but manage to keep quiet about it. Then there’s those who think everybody else is dim and try to demonstrate it by spouting often inappropriate Latin drivel four times a day, which nobody either needs or wants to understand (all of them being perfectly fluent in English). But it takes all sorts.

//….they dont vote duuurrrrr!//

And the basis for that assertion is…..?
//Postal voting should be restricted to the genuinely housebound. As it is it’s wide open to fraud.//

I attend a polling station, that is not my designated one, every polling day Naomi. I have a postal vote.

//Togo, it would be nice to find someone actually deserving of a vote in the present political climate.//

Can't wholeheartedly agree Mozz but I am as exasperated as most at the way things are and less inclined to offer unconditional support to anyone. But we are living in "interesting times" and what we are getting is not what we expected to see.
REDHELEN, with the "Vote early, vote often" slogan, the problems in Ulster were clearly a much greater magnitude then compared to Great Britain now.
I never go shopping for alcohol when I've had too much drugs.
The number of voter fraud cases at the last election was well under 100 - so this is rather an expensive sledgehammer to crack a nut.
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18:04, those were the ones that were caught, what about largely undectable block voting?

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