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To All The Anti Tories Etc.......

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ToraToraTora | 11:43 Thu 13th Jan 2022 | News
30 Answers
Would you rather have the short term bauble of Boris' scalp or the longer term increased chance of winning the 2024 GE?


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Good post Mozz.

I’ve only ever voted Tory for the Tory values of low-taxation and small ‘g’ Government, neither of which apply to the current Tory Govt.

I full intend to be a political *** at the next election and vote for the party that will allow me to keep more of my money; if that’s Labour, then so be it.
The censored word begins with a W and ends with hore.
//I full intend to be a political *** at the next election and vote for the party that will allow me to keep more of my money;//

You'll have nobody to vote for then, dd.
//I full intend to be a political *** at the next election and vote for the party that will allow me to keep more of my money; if that’s Labour, then so be it.//

That'll be the party that 'says' before the vote that it will allow you to keep more of your money. On Labour's track record of doing away with low rate tax and rifling pension pots good luck with that.
I was being slightly flippant with that comment, but as a dyed in the wool Tory, I am utterly disappointed at the moment, and as it stands there’s not a single party that I could vote for.
Annesaquith @ 11.11 "Impossible to have a decent disccusion with a.
.. brain washed Tory" A Tory with a brain! Where did you find him/her ??
Doesnt matter.All the present bunch of politicians are more or less worse than useless.Revolution now or Apocalypse now.
I'd be happy with either. It's a win win. Both ways we get a better Prime Minister.

I'll go with the short term bauble though, as it means we get one sooner.
I am apolitical but would prefer a Conservative or Lib Dem/Coalition government over a Labour one all day long
Fairly apathetic as to who is in power really but to see this country led by a bumbling fool who lurches from one scandal to another with a flagrant disregard for the public is disheartening and frankly shocking
He even makes Trump look like a professional
I am amazed that the 1922 committee have not yet stepped in and it is surely only a matter of time
He is dragging his party to its lowest level and the added remarks of JRM about fellow Tories are disrespectful and smack of elitism within their own ranks

The standard of politics and those practicing it is dire and the electorate have either had enough of the whole saga or share my apathy
Forgot to fully address the OP

If (and it is a massive if) BJ were in charge at the GE the Tories would lose

If the party ditch him in the next few months they will have a good chance
To be fair the next leader would not struggle too much
BJ is not the most difficult act to follow is he ?

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