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Should There Be A Windfall Tax On The Oil Companies?

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ToraToraTora | 11:48 Wed 30th Mar 2022 | News
31 Answers
Labour politicians have been harping on about it for months and Rodders brought it up again at PMQs today. So what do we think?


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//Why? Because they're largely set by the likes of Saudi Arabia and Russia, through their actions of one sort or another.//

Top marks for stating the bleedin obvious once again. How did that happen then? In Britain we had gas street lighting and gas to homes for cooking and light in the early 1820s. Oil was not even drilled for until the early 1900s. The gas came from under our feet, or was extracted from coal which was also extracted from beneath us. No across the World transport, politics, or corruption required. We have been forced to sacrifice ourselves on the altar of environmental concern by the short sighted self regarding who now blame us for the consequences. The new processes and methods of extracting and using these resourses, that result in less polluting emissions and waste, far outweigh the negative results of dependance on lunatic dictators, blackmail by fear, and ransom by threat. Whilst allowing people who care not a jot about the pollution, that the eco loons hold up as reason for the treason, to sell to us at their price.
> We have been forced to sacrifice ourselves on the altar of environmental concern by the short sighted self regarding who now blame us for the consequences.

Who do you blame for that then? Surely not the left wingers who, as Tora is fond of pointing out, haven't been in power since 1979 when North Sea oil and British coal were both still very much in vogue.

The truth is that environmental concerns are very recent, virtually five to midnight in the timescales you're talking about. To get to where we are now, it's mostly been about the supply of cheap fossil fuel and to hell with where it comes from as long as it's cheap enough.
Thanks for understanding Togo. I had a similar problem with a photo of a certificate for a job application final stage.... the certificate was between A3 and A4 size, too big for my copier/scanner, and there system woun't accept me breaking the pic down into 2 halfs.. Also some of the print was too faint and there was a hologram which reflected any light.. Took me days to get a photo that was readable without shadows or glare. There modern system couldnt cope with my suggestion of taking in my certificate to show them
oops wrong Togo thread...
// Surely not the left wingers //

As well you know the lefties have infested and weaponised every local government and civil service function to resist any policy that demonstrates common sence or pragmatism, in favour of a virtue signalling message and scare mongering psychological nudge policy. Imagine how bad it would be if they had ever attained real power in the Commons in the last 30 years. Had the gas fracking and onshore oil in the South been implemented we would not be over a barrel. An especially crude barrel at that. Guess where they get the power from to make the nigh on useless windmills and dream catcher sun panels? Not unicorm flatulance or fairy sweat I promise.
Haha not to worry Bobbin. It made more sense than some of the posts here anyway. ... even out of context.
Togo 20:45,well said mate,we're living on a island built on coal and gas and having to buy it from abroad,too daft to laugh at.
> As well you know the lefties have infested and weaponised every local government and civil service function to resist any policy that demonstrates common sence or pragmatism, in favour of a virtue signalling message and scare mongering psychological nudge policy

Righto, as the man says. You do blame the lefties, even though they've had not a whiff of power.

Look, you can't have it both ways. Either the left is completely unelectable and has had no power since 1979, or it's been elected into enough power to somehow (despite the unions' opposition to Thatcher closing the coal mines, for example) close down Britain's fossil fuel industries and instead buy cheaper stuff from foreign oligarchs. Now does that sound like the left, or the right?
Ellipsis,the lefties are in control of local government,schools and every university,
So what? How did this result in us buying fossil fuels from foreign oligarchs rather than a) using our own or b) developing alternative fuel sources?
So what,go into any town or city on a saturday and see all the socialist worker party members,lots who are teachers,doctors ,and local government workers all playing the green party card,you do not see them calling for coal not dole anymore.

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