England stopped the mask BS weeks ago, Scotland continues, guess who has the worst stats? This is just a contrarian ego trip from the Anglophobic FM. It's the Scottish people I have sympathy for having this abomination running their country.
And many businesses are being crippled by absences...some don't feel ill but many feel awful for several days and sensible business's know there staff and customers.. especially vulnerable... don't want people coughing and sneezing over them.
If masks help even by only 10% it's worth it IMO. who knows what Scotland rates would of been without masks
gromit: "Over 300 deaths yesterday. " - where do you get that figure, they seem to have stopped publishing daily deaths, only the 7 day average: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/
These 'deaths' figures may sound alarming, but we don't really know if covid was the actual cause or the final agent, to someone with either an underlying illness or simply dying of old age. Whatever it is,'Covid' will go on the death certificate, that's for sure.