Sqad - // Andrew:
Offered a weekend at a luxury villa in the sun, good food, fine wine and for afters, nubile young girls for entertainment.
Not for you Johny ABer, so really you have nothing to offer, just platitudes, disgust and perhaps deep down........envy.
Problem.....he was caught. //
You and I know of old that our views on this type of situation differ considerably, so there is little point in my challenging you, I respect your right to your view, although I don't share it.
// Problem.....he was caught. //
I do have to take issue with that particular statement -
In my view, the problem is not that 'he was caught', but that money and power and entitlement and invincibility facilitate this kind of behaviour.
The fact that he was caught is actually part of the solution, rather than the problem.
It shone a light into the dark corners of the lifestyles and behaviours of two particularly horrible men, one of whom opted out of dealing with the consequences of he behaviour, and the other who has further used his money and power to sidestep the consequences of his.