Hymie..... I heard TTT whisper, 'but there are no lies!"
[yeah foo, shades of Galileo - "eppur si muove!" 1621, he didnt wanna get burnt like that Giordano Burno ( geddit???) who was burnt for heresy of believing the earth went around the sun]
memo to self: why do I do this? a mod will see the Spanish and think 'oh that says it is a big one, obscene he is' and it goes darn da can
Just about the only thing I've learnt from this site is that people believe what they want to and then stick to it despite any evidence to the contrary.
People voted Labour, not Blue Labour. And they voted Tory, not Green Tory.
This stupid bending of the facts is very annoying.
Labour won in 1997, 2002, 2006. And the tories won in 2010. To call them something else, and pretend Labour didn’t win or the Tories didn’t win is just the ravings of an imbecile.
'All' politicians lie, it's in their nature. They're known for it, especially the career ones, which form most of the high ranking group. Today the issue seems to be, "When is a gathering a party?", which is a ridiculous thing to be slinging 'mud' over, but some can't seem to let it rest and concentrate on real issues, probably because they've nothing useful to contribute there either.
I haven't said that I've have seen some examples elsewhere. In fact I did say on one of these threads that I know he does tell the odd porky. The problem is that most of what the Boris bashers claim to be lies are not lies by definition. I just urge an improvement of literacy.
gromit: "Labour leader Tony Blair never won an election according to Tora. " - now there's a porky, I have never said that, show me where I have said that. I know literacy is an issue for you gromit so I'll spell it out. The Labour party under Blair was basically Tory Lite with a heavy dose of Thatcherism. That's not, what I term, "real Labour" - Blair won the elections with His "Labour" - It wasn't real Labour. Just about every political commentator agrees that it wasn't real Labour. In fact a recent documentary series on the BBC dug into it and the party itself was pretty well suppressed in order to gain power. Blair was a pretty well a Thatcherite.
hymie: "I have a feeling that TTT believes that if he says it often enough," - well I'm not the one who's been rasing thread after thread about the same thing then ignoring the explanation. You still have not found a single example of a porky, have you?
nailit: "Its on record that Johnson is a liar...
What is there to debate? " - You mean people who don;t like him say that? Ok give me an example, that's all I ask.
I think we may all have that. ‘ uncle’ in the family who repeats repeatedly, don’t disagree with them, nod your head and put the kettle on. It works and everyone is ‘happy’. :-)
hymie: "There will be no further posts from me on this topic – unless TTT repeats his claim that he has seen no evidence of Boris lying. " - I can't repeat what I didn't say. Show me where I have said that. All I have ever done on this subject is ask people like you for examples, I have yet to receive one. I could give you some but why would I?
tomus "Ttt thinks BJ isn't a liar. Pmsl. " - where do I give you that Idea? You people really need to learn to read and comprehend. I know Boris tells the odd porky it just that most of the things that are claimed as lies are not.