After the recent "court case" when Matt Hancock was taken to court alongside Public Health England, the judges in their ruling said. //"This was not a binary question - a choice between on the one hand doing nothing at all, and on the other hand requiring all newly admitted residents to be quarantined.
"The document could, for example, have said that where an asymptomatic patient, other than one who has tested negative, is admitted to a care home, he or she should, so far as practicable, be kept apart from other residents for up to 14 days.
"Since there is no evidence that this question was considered by the secretary of state, or that he was asked to consider it, it is not an example of a political judgment on a finely balanced issue.
"Nor is it a point on which any of the expert committees had advised that no guidance was required.
"Those drafting the March Discharge Policy and the April Admissions Guidance simply failed to take into account the highly relevant consideration of the risk to elderly and vulnerable residents from asymptomatic transmission."
The judges said these issues were not addressed until a further document was issued in mid-April 2020.
They rejected other claims made under human rights legislation, and against NHS England.//
The hopping mad kangaroo court of Hymie(Hi Me)find Boris guilty of all charges mind. Illness manifests itself in different ways for sure.
P.S. The Judges never mentioned or tried to put Boris in the loop. I am informed that he may have been at a wine and cake party when the decision was made.