Do you all remember the wormtongue soothing words when it was declared, that amongst other things characteristically British, the Crown stamp on draught or optic glasses was to be made unnecesarry due the adoption of the new and exciting EUSSR identification mark? The weights and measures that had served us well and stood the test of time, even passing down into everyday language as defining markers would also have to be abandoned. The new and easily understood manipulators tools were going to make our lives so much simpler, and we were getting upset over nothing for asking why and how? It really was only a small thing and a slight shift after all. Notice how the reverse slight shift, promised in no small part due to public opinion and demand, to re deploy the trusted Crown symbol and to actively encourage the use of our inherited weights and measures is suddenly a very big thing indeed. Despite not being officially in use for decades, the very hint of reintroduction is now a very big move indeed.Meehh. The remainiacs and anti British have not gone away, they remain to poison our self esteem and regard for each other and can be easily identified.