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It Couldn’t Really Get Any More Stupid

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FatticusInch | 22:56 Thu 23rd Jun 2022 | News
22 Answers
or so we thought.

There really is no hope for the US.
They wouldn’t change the constitution even if there was a mass shooting in the House of Representatives.
Meanwhile, more school kids will reap the whirlwind.
Idiotic beyond comprehension.


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I watched Channel 4 News tonight, and, imho, this American politician comes across as a complete numpty. "Multiple stabbings"!!
Quote from the link: "Last month, in response to the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School, in Uvalde Ms Greene suggested a volunteer militia of parents and guardians be created to protect schools."

She's still living in the old days of the Wild West.

"Shoot-out at the OK College" springs to mind.

There's no hope for America when they think their gun rights are "God given"
oh, the Supreme Court is nudging towards breaking down the barrier between church and state (even though this is in the constitution too)
leave 'em to it (not that we can do otherwise) - there's plenty of Americans to go round.
The lunatics have taken over the asylum
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Hi Fattie - bi boys and gurlz
I wasnt sure if any one would post this on AB convulsed as we are with brexit (still), covid ( still) and MP ( still, monkey pox silly!)

The US church and state judgement decision ( 'opinion') is so stupid I havent posted it. "Church and state are separate and always have been in our unchanging and unchangeable carnstitootion, and so we are going to change it. And say we arent"

The arms judgement ( opinion ) is here

from around p.100 are the three ( carmie, liberal pointy-headed) dissenting opinions - "there are now 45 000 firearm deaths / y and we really should be attending to this....."

and the majority opinion is a helluva read.
100 p of "we can never change our holy unchanging carnstit00tion because it is better than the Bible. And NY state has got it wrong for God knows how long. So we are gonna strike down any laws that limit your god given right to bear arms in public ( even if you then shoot everyone) because that is what life in the gt American Republic means"

stunning stuff from supposedly educated men and women.

And I used to think election of judges was the way forward.Yeah yeah I know Supreme court judges are appointed.
oo- - - - oops I should have written ..... that is what life and death means in ....

yeah to make it more flowy and comprehensible
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And America is a Superpower and polices the world. Frightning!.
It is stupid and will be nigh on impossible to change their culture but surely one can understand their viewpoint at least? If I were a potential victim in a mass shooting I'd also wish I was carrying a gun of my own.
They’re a curious lot.

So advanced in so many ways, and the world would be a poorer place without their enormous contributions to the world, but so backwards in other ways.

Rowing back on Roe vs Wade, telling women what they cannot do with their bodies (One of the themes in John Niven’s ‘The F… it List’ was reversing R v W and I thought when I was reading it that it surely could never happen), the free availability of guns, breaking a leg and being landed with a $20k bill, being able to kill for your country at 18 but not being able to buy a beer until 21, the teaching of creationism as fact, and so on…

Bizarre place.
Radio Rental, I thought they were allowed to carry openly anyway. I know there are are concealed permits etc but basically I thought it was always legal to wear, say, a wild west style visible gun belt. MAABOF!
Some folk here underestimate our American cousins.
///So advanced in so many ways, and the world would be a poorer place without their enormous contributions to the world, but so backwards in other ways. ///

Nail on the head Deskdiary. It's very puzzling.
It's why I'm staying put here.
Utterly racist post.
Question Author
//Utterly racist post.//

Really? What race are Americans then?
Do tell?!

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