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Trump's Supreme Court Has Overturned Roe V Wade

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sandyRoe | 15:46 Fri 24th Jun 2022 | News
35 Answers
It's a sad day for American woman and a good one for backstreet abortionists in their country.


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I think it leaves it to states rather than the federal government? Open to correction on this one.
A lot of women, especially those in the Norther States, will be heading for Canada to get abortions I imagine.
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Yes, it's now a matter for the individual states. I think about half will ban abortions.
Rich people can afford to travel to where they can get treatment so they'll be unaffected. Poor women will either have children they hadn't planned for or risk their lives with backstreet abortionists.
It's a good day for unborn babies.
But a bad day for women losing control over their own bodies.
Has abortion not become a sort of accompaniment to contraception?
It's not a sad day for the thousands of American women who are pro-life. And certainly not a sad day for the unborn children. Abortion should never have been legalised in the first place, except in cases of medical emergency. Grateful to see America leading the way on this.
^^*what about rape victims?

Aborting these foetuses isn’t a medical emergency.

Would you say they should have the child?
Khandro, Abortion should not be used as another form of contraception.
For women who demand complete control of their body, control should include preventing the risk of unwanted pregnancy through the responsible use of contraception or, if that is not possible, through abstinence. There will always be exceptions, but using abortion as some form of birth control is, in my view, grotesque. No civilised society permits one human to intentionally harm or take the life of another without consequences.
let's keep unborn babies alive, yeah...... they can be shot when they go to school.
Adoption is a viable alternative to abortion and accomplishes the same result. And with 1.5 million American families wanting to adopt a child, there is no such thing as an unwanted child.
I almost wept when I read the headline earlier.
And I'm even closer to weeping now as I read some of the responses here.
No doubt all from men.
Very emotive subject..
It could pave the way for unnecessary deaths via back street?
// let's keep unborn babies alive, yeah...... they can be shot when they go to school.//

fie moosheh, obvious non sequitur - which crouches un-noticed in the AB flowerbed.

are you sure no one has written ( sociology of) what anthropologists do? Yves Coppens has an obit in the times today who dug up Lucy Australopithecus Afarensis. I always thought Leakey had - but..... "discovered in 1974 by paleontologist Donald C. Johanson in Hadar, Ethiopia, A. afarensis..." (wiki).

are you SURE no sociologist has written about what anthropologists do?

sorry sando...
Nobody should judge.. Till you've walked in those shoes
Quite possibly, depending on what state. I'm sure republican/bible belt States will make it hard for any woman to have control over what is right for herself.
The judgement ( opinion ) is here

135 pp but a better read than some of the comments here
( no such thing as an unwanted child - jesus - are the people of AB real or troll-bots?)
My answer was in response to 18:53.
And yes, you've got to walk in another's shoes...or maybe your own.
Some very sad situations require difficult and stressful soul searching resolutions
Good news for those wanting to bring the Taliban and infidel closer together.

Worthless, two-faced reactionary trash.

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Trump's Supreme Court Has Overturned Roe V Wade

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