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No no, Hymie, "all v dull", do keep up.
09:57 Sun 26th Jun 2022
I don’t see what difference her being on suicide watch makes.
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You don't think she's in danger of being suicided, Naomi?
I’ve no idea but if she is, she is. I don’t see that as a reason to delay sentencing. To what purpose? She has to be sentenced sooner or later.
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Not if she's dead.
They've done everything else they could to protect the 'cream' of American society.
I must be missing something. She’s on suicide watch now so what will change if she’s sentenced now? Nothing that I can see. Of course, despite being ‘watched’, she may manage to kill herself either before or after sentencing but I can’t see many tears being shed for her.
Obviously he wants us to think someone will top her to protect the “cream” or something
All v dull
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Lots of people think she could go the same way as Epstein.
All the powerful men involved can then breathe a huge sigh of relief.
Ichi's only sneering because he thinks they're all Democrats.
Virginia Giuffre has disclosed that she was ‘offered’ to a number of high profile persons (including Prime Ministers), while ‘working’ for Epstein/Maxwell.
If Maxwell & Giuffre were to collaborate on prosecutions of these persons – there would be a large number of high profile persons wanting both of them dead.
No no, Hymie, "all v dull", do keep up.
So these (at present un-named) high profile persons want their day in court to clear their name (as Prince Andrew did)?
Well I hope that her 'suicide watch' doesn't end like J.Epsteins so called 'suicide watch' did.

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