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Disadvantages Of Using Public Transport

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tiggerblue10 | 19:17 Tue 28th Jun 2022 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I was on the bus on my way to work this morning and apart from the usual traffic which I'm used to there was someone on the bus with really bad BO. I moved to another seat away from the direction of the smell but I could still smell it. The bus was getting packed so there was nowhere else to move to so had to grin and bear it.

How does someone not realise that they are giving off an offensive smell? I know some people have medically related sweat issues but surely using antiperspirants can help and keep their armpits from smelling.

I've got an acute sense of smell and can smell things a mile off so maybe I'm the one with the problem! Sorry for the rant...


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Taxis perhaps - but then one can be left with the combination of detergent and vomit from the excesses of the night before.
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I'm not made of money, lol
Neither am I - it's why I bought the taxi.....
Can be laziness, Tiggs but....
My mother was always pernickety about bodies and the house being clean and never smelling. She was so nasty about other folk who weren't as clean and odour free as she was.
When she developed Alzheimer's she stopped bathing and putting on clean, fresh clothes.
Whatever we tried to do...and god how we tried.... didn't work.
She was very violent towards me when I tried to get her into a bath. If she spent a night at my house I'd sneak in when she was asleep and swap her clothes. She did smell awful at times.
I felt so sorry for others in shops and her church having to put up with the smell. :-(
Do smokers not realise that they stink as well.

In fact today when I went back into my work after lunch I could smell that smokers had been through the Reception area.
Don't move to Paris, Tigger. There seems to be an unwritten rule that every carriage on the Metro must have a man with a personal hygiene problem in it at all times. I sometimes wonder if they're supplied by the factory ;-)
tigs: "How does someone not realise that they are giving off an offensive smell? " - they get desensitised they can't smell themselves. Like smokers they reek but can't smell it. I know a few who have given up and were mortified at the stink once they got their smell back!
The smoking thing is a strange one. Back in my London days I used to go to a pub quiz on Monday evenings, and every time I came home the very first thing I would do is take off all my clothes and put them in the washing machine, as they stank so much of smoke - I wouldn't even put them in the laundry basket!

Difficult to believe that not long ago you could smoke on buses (upstairs), the Tube and - amazingly - planes.
We can't be far away from garlic-chewing foreigners by the look of things.

What misery you lot endure.
It’s not just the stinking sweat. Filthy bacteria laden unwashed bodies pong. hiss and biscuits swap h for p. Many elderly folks homes have a certain aroma. We all get older and negligence and indifference does occur.
Is tolerance just an alien concept for some people. Get over yourselves.
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Ahh tolerance, something many people on here lack judging by some posts and replies including those who accuse others of being intolerant ;o)

Weirdly, although I hate the smell of smoke since giving up around 15 years ago, I don't find it as bad as BO.
Fish odour syndrome is a thing, although rare. Must be awful for the sufferer, showering, anti perspirant and fresh clothes don't help,are%20things%20that%20can%20help.
Be thankful it's just occasionally on a bus ride. Imagine having to work with someone like that!
i have worked with people like that and it isn't pleasant, not much you can do to be fair, except if on public transport try and move away.
Remembering working in an office in the 70s - open plan with banks of 4 desks. 3 of the 4 on my block of desks smoked pretty well continuously & one guy had BO. When he had a bad cold & his hankie got soaked he used to hang it on the radiator to dry!
gross ^
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I have worked with people like that over the years, Dave.
I remember people smoking on planes, in cinemas, pubs, buses, trains, GP waiting room, in hospital (even in bed) - everywhere. I can't remember any non-smoker complaining about the smell.
I took my daughter to the GP when she was about 18 months, she was quite poorly with a chest infection and the GP smoked his pipe throughout. Normal for the era.
barry: " I can't remember any non-smoker complaining about the smell. " - it was pointless complaining, smokers are entirely selfish that's why their house was put in order for them.

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