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I Suppose It Was Only A Matter Of Time.

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piggynose | 16:42 Fri 12th Aug 2022 | News
70 Answers
S.Rushdie has been stabbed in a New York theatre.
I'm sorry I haven't got a link.
Anybody else not surprised?


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If Matar is highly unlikely to have done this over a book that was written 10 years ago then what do you think the motivation could have been untitled? I don't really follow you, one minute you're surprised and angered to find out the fatwa against Rushdie still stands the next you don't think that has anything to do with this attack?
10 years before he was born...before I'm corrected
Prudie, who is your post to?
//Anybody else not surprised?//

I think lots of people (myself included) were very surprised.
Why Gromit? What's surprising about it?
I didn’t say it was unlikely prudie, i said it was very likely
Genuine apologies Untitled, it must be the heat, I read your post at least twice and saw the word unlikely - and one does see a variation of opinions on here.
Sadly the *** that did this Hadi Matar will be held up as a martyr by like minded nut jobs
The asterisked out was nut-ter yet I can say crap, how odd :0))
Meanwhile, he is being praised by the Iranian (*)
* please place your own epithet here!
It’s okay Prudie it happens to us all :)
Does the Quran actually mention any virgins as a reward to martyrs, let alone seventy-two?
Ah, but the perpetrator of this crime isn't a martyr since he's still alive, unlike the 9/11 murderers who died from their actions.

As such, he gets no such reward. Or maybe he does? Anyway, it's all *explained* here:
Don't know about virgins, Corby but when I was presented with two Muslim children to teach dad brought me the Quran to study with if I could....then told me that when it wasn't in use I had to wrap it in a special cloth and store it higher than any other book in the school. Getting up onto the roof was quite a challenge. ;-)
Prudie, who is your post to?
urbi et orbe
we have had this before you know:
this is a public forum,

and if you want to make it private, write to each other or something
They're not mentioned in the Quran then?
// it was unlikely prudie, i said it was very likely//
these are "polar mistakes"
I stopped at a green light ( yeah geddit should be red)
and a car drove into me....ow

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