Society & Culture25 mins ago
What Is Achieved . . .
Can anyone of the punishment hardliners tell me what is achieved by prosecuting this sad lady ?
I thought we were, as a society, meant to be becoming more cognisant and sympathetic towards mental ill-health.
[No doubt I'll be dismissed as a limpwristed liberal by the usual suspects, but I believe this obviously distressed lady requires a more understanding consideration.]
https:/ /uk.yah news/bu sinessw oman-fi ned-per forming -sex-ac t-16194 ml
I thought we were, as a society, meant to be becoming more cognisant and sympathetic towards mental ill-health.
[No doubt I'll be dismissed as a limpwristed liberal by the usual suspects, but I believe this obviously distressed lady requires a more understanding consideration.]
Sitting on a bench in Waitrose car park during the day, with your breasts out and mastubating can't be described as normal behaviour, hence I would agree with Canary42 that there must be a mental problem here. As a sideline.... .my mate always said that if one was looking for a "bit of spare" then a supermarket carpark in mid morning was ideal. Available women,...
09:29 Tue 16th Aug 2022
This man was sent to prison last week. He has got previous, though https:/ / rmingha mmail.c ack-cou ntry/ja il-hale sowen-m an-62-c aught-2 4815138 ?fbclid =IwAR2W 2UzcVFA pMOg1wH X4LiA5- H1W6J-Z 5OOgKQI SEuiZtN 2ZsiuKb QIdhF0