as hospital staff would have to report anyone admitted with a gun shot wound.
correct that to
as hospital staff have to report anyone attending with a gun shot wound.
and.... jesus boys and girls
And it's a dangerous path to go down prosecuting someone for not helping.
so such crime nor tort ( civil wrong). seems a bit cruel tho'
La non-assistance à personne en danger est un délit sanctionné par le code pénal (article 223-6 alinéa 2 ). Lorsqu'une personne peut secourir quelqu'un qui court un risque pour sa vie et qu'elle n'intervient pas, elle peut être poursuivie devant un tribunal.14 Sept 2021
there is in France ( code Napoleon)
Not helping a person in danger is a crime under the criminal code. when a person is in risk of losing her life then that is that person is perhaps pursuable in court ( sort of)
and in L'affaire Lady Di, the newshounds were indicted for this, BUT were acquitted as this duty ceased when SAMU ( medics) attended
just saying
oh and any civil claim ( en France c'est-a-dire!) is hung onto the criminal case as "parti civile"
just saying - god there is an awful lot of bullship around this afternoon