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Tory Party In Meltdown

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Canary42 | 19:53 Sat 27th Aug 2022 | News
52 Answers
Allegedly. But it is the Evening Standard so probably more sour grapes from George.


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I think he's right.
I keep saying this and will remind people once again; Labour will not win the next election. I think they will regain the red wall seats, but to gain power, they need Scotland, and that aint gonna happen. It's a hung parliament ahead.
Private Pike really needs to chill out, it( gender unknown) swings between anger and LOL and PMSL hysterically, can’t be good for it’s health can it?
Paigntonian: "Thank you deskdiary. Never underestimate the Tories. " - Yep that is why since the founding of Labour, they have been in power only 23.9 years out of 122.6, where as the Tories have been in power for 68.8 years over the same period. A fact that Labour supporters never seem to be aware of. They think they can win.
//Calm down canary, it's a battle for the leadership, once that is sorted the winner will give the loser a decent job. We'll all fall into line and get back to the vitally important work of kicking the sheet out of Labour. Nothing to see here.//

Lol, lie, deny and deflect. Nothing to see? It’s a Tory ally of Mrs Flip-Flop who can see and is reading the writing on the wall.
But just like your other incarnation(well, most of them actually) it’s all about beating Labour, not sorting out the energy crisis, cost of living or NHS waiting lists.
And you think the 5C Remainer you voted for will achieve all that?
Not even her closest colleagues believe it! PMSL
Truss might be loved by the Tory membership but I can't see any floating voters warming to her. She comes across as a pound shop Thatcher.

I don't think Sunak or the beloved Boris would do much better either. I reckon Penny Mordaunt was the best chance they had as regards winning the next election.
I hope Boris comes back, we need him
//Private Pike really needs to chill out, it( gender unknown) swings between anger and LOL and PMSL hysterically, can’t be good for it’s health can it?//

You’ve meandered out of the shallow end again.
Have a go at the issues discussed instead of coming into News just to throw insults.
You don’t have to join in with the others like a schoolgirl, try voicing something relevant or topical of your own.
//I hope Boris comes back, we need him//

You’re already substituting for him, CoCo!
Calm down will ya ;0)
For ToraToraTora, or whoever he is today.

A source close to Ms Truss's discussions told The Sunday Telegraph: "They [the Treasury] have talked about the Gordon Brown approach that he took at the time (of the financial crisis), when it looked as though consumer confidence was falling.

"They are talking about the last big economic shock that hit the whole economy and consumers in 2008, and the Treasury's response to that."

And another claimed she "doesn't have time" to offer targeted support, warning: "People are going to start going out of business from the minute she takes office."

Mrs Flip-Flop will deliver though, eh? Lol

-- answer removed --
Aww LOL and PMSL ( hysterically) Lcg
Oh, I don't understand people. Someone asks a question, you tell them the answer, and in gratitude all one receives is an insult.

A simple websearch would have revealed the petition issue. Keeping up with current events would have made it already known.

However maybe some will be relieved to hear that parliament has recently rejected the petition.

So, like Trump, Johnson's way back is presumably the hope of getting reelected as leader at a later date.
Jeezus, Pte Godfrey has been joined by Mrs Overall! Lol.
Old Geezer,
//However maybe some will be relieved to hear that parliament has recently rejected the petition.//

So it was a wet dream then? Confirmed.
You were / are still wet behind the ears to take a much respected late A’bers name and use it in such a fashion!
//You were / are still wet behind the ears to take a much respected late A’bers name and use it in such a fashion!//

Given the Godfrey reference I’m sure even you realised I was talking about the Julie Walters character, or are you really that stu….no, don’t answer that, you’ve already confirmed it.
People like you don’t last long and end up reinventing themselves anyway ….I’ll wait ;0)
//People like you don’t last long and end up reinventing themselves anyway ….I’ll wait ;0)//

Says Samsara…..

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