casting my mind back to the black and white Forsyte Sage on TV in the 1960s, I remember the leading lady changed her name to Nyree Dawn Porter because Brits were unable to pronounce her real (Polynesian) name, Ngaire. Try it and see.
Different parts of the world have different pronunciations. Long may it be so.
Surely missing out a letter is not a case of being an accent, its not saying the word correctly. Being a cockney I probably say fanks, fousand and aufority but I am not a BBC news reader!
One way we can tell where another Irish person comes from by their missing or added letters. Our county accents.
Some say t for th.
You’d know a Kerryman by the way he follows s with h. You’d say snake….I’d say shnake.
Regional accents may be ok but there's no excuse for the way presenters change the letter "T" to a "D" in may cases, eg, committe, city, meeting etc. The biggest culprit is a female news reader on BBC Radio called Lisa McCormick. A real pain in the armpit she is!
Who in pommy land is renown for dropping "haitch" at the beginning of the word, let alone during the word.
Please help me, it's part of cryptic crossword solving.