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Penny Mordaunt

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Paigntonian | 15:17 Sun 02nd Oct 2022 | News
49 Answers
'King Charles will bear the same cross as her late majesty'. Way OTT and rather unpleasant.


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Anyone got a big-booted size 11? Molehill needs stamping on before it dramatically increases in volume beyond all imagination.
Naomi: 16:47.

I would say that Paigntonian found the expression offensive, rather than "deciding to take umbrage".
If that’s what you want to say, you're perfectly at liberty to say it, atheist.
Gladly my cross eyed bear. Teddy with a wonky eye.
It is a fairly common expression
what was the context? What was the cross he supposedly has to bear? It seems an odd thing to say of a king, who will doubtless not have to carry his own coffin to his funeral any more than his mother did.
Is this story relating to the speech in Portsmouth last month? If so, the context and full quote are fairly important! If not, do you have more details?
im struggling how to see how something a back bench mp says is news
When did she say that?
What is way OTT and rather unpleasant is the posters who fail to use the correct category.
BEDNOBS, Penny Mordaunt is the Leader of The House of Commons.
whoops, ok then!
I believe it was in a speech, a speech of praise and tribute, made just after the death of the Queen. A line similar to the above is a part, a small part, of it, but the context is relevant, important - and to my mind shows that it wasn't 'OTT and rather unpleasant'.
//When did she say that?//

I can only guess that she was making this comparison:

The Queen became Monarch at a relatively tender age, when she’d certainly never been groomed for it but shouldered responsibility and devoted her life to service, which she literally did until the day she died.
Adversely, Charles has been groomed for it all his life but taking up the role at such an advanced age is hardly ideal I’d imagine?
I’m hoping he’ll maybe give it 5 years maximum before handing it to William, who can then hopefully have a reign of 35-40 years at least?
But that’s purely a guess, I’ve not even looked for the story online, it’s hardly newsworthy.
If you're happy for a comment to appear randomly in News, with no context from the OP, carry on.
It happens far too often
Mine was to NAC
Albaqwerty, I thought it was poor that one line of a quote, no context, no further information, was given in the News category. I'd hoped the OP would provide further details, and that's why I asked earlier...
The comment is within quotation marks but when I Googled it, there were no hits other than this thread.

So then PAIGNTONIAN, what is the source of your quote?
The king's son and his grandchildren should be spared the fate that awaits them for as long as possible. CR should not abdicate.
Does no one else think that living a life in a goldfish bowl is cruel and unusual?
I think that she was just pointing out that we all have a different 'cross to bear' but Charles will bear the same cross that his mother had. He will have the same cares and responsibilities that she had.
There was nothing nasty or uncalled for in what Penny Mordaunt said.

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