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Nurses Next To Strike?

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FatticusInch | 13:06 Thu 06th Oct 2022 | News
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In the current climate I reckon it’s a strong possibility.

/The Royal College of Nursing is balloting all of its UK members for strike action for the first time in its 106-year history.
The union is recommending its 300,000 members walk out over pay, with the result of the ballot due next month.
If strikes go ahead, the RCN says they would affect non-urgent but not emergency care.
The government has urged nurses to "carefully consider" the impact on patients./

……just after it removed the cap on bankers bonuses and attempted to increase the wealth of the top 1% in the country?
As a great character once said:
The impudence, the audacity, the unmitigated gall.



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"The country has a difficult winter ahead but the unions will make sure it’s even more difficult." I don't think we need worry too much now that we have a crack team in place with real world experience and the good of citizens at heart. Reasonable negotiations and not knee-jerk reaction will surely be the order of the day.
17:01 Thu 06th Oct 2022
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//In Spain a friend broke his hand - went to A&E, had an operation that night to insert a pin into the broken bone & was discharged next day.

NHS - eat your friggin heart out!//

You won’t attend A&E or call an ambulance in a dire emergency then Davebro?
\\In Spain a friend broke his hand - went to A&E, had an operation that night to insert a pin into the broken bone & was discharged next day.

NHS - eat your friggin heart out!//

How much did this cost and I'm certain the same thing would happen here.
//How much did this cost and I'm certain the same thing would happen here.//

I'm not
Spanish hospitals are good.
I had a nasty fall in May, one of the results of which was a left arm black from the elbow to the wrist - it didn't half hurt as well. I decided against going to A&E and sitting uncomfortably for 15 hours. It's a bit misshapen now (near the elbow) and a (private) physio/osteo reckons that I did break the Ulna. I'm still glad I didn't go to A&E and my joints work fine.
The NHS was my main fear when leaving France.
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\\In Spain a friend broke his hand - went to A&E, had an operation that night to insert a pin into the broken bone & was discharged next day.

NHS - eat your friggin heart out!//

/How much did this cost and I'm certain the same thing would happen here./

It does.
How did i know miss flip flop was going to say what a great job nurses did during covid on interview.You can guess everytime that they will just come out with the same crap. Yes they did lovey many are now dead while you were locked away nice and safe at home.
Well- she couldn't really say they didn't do a good job
God knows what criticism she’d have got if she hadn’t mentioned them. Another case of speak and it’s wrong, don’t speak and it’s wrong.
I hope they get a decent rise good enough to retain and recruit but no more. There paid pretty well much more than say shop staff or carers or mot office staff and bank take with a giant pinch a salt the claims of nurses at food banks or going without heating... or the daft claim that they can earn more as cleaners. But its a job with long shifts and if we'er short we need to pay more and improve work hours and conditions.
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I’ll take the food banks claim with more than a punch of salt, especially as there are at least 6 Trusts carrying it out.

As for the cleaners quip, it seems they’re on a par….

Please try doing a little research sometimes to back your conjecture, it’ll help you in the long run.

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//God knows what criticism she’d have got if she hadn’t mentioned them. Another case of speak and it’s wrong, don’t speak and it’s wrong.//

Yes, I found that odd too.
She usually slates British workers, not praises them. Certainly doesn’t want workers having any rights though, she’s adamant on that.
Your guns shooting banks again fatticus .

. Tell me what a full time nurse earns and then explain why they can't afford food.
As for your link to nurses being asked to do cleaning that's nowt to do with my point. You know that really .
Tell me the hourly rate for a nurse and the rate for a cleaner.
Then your worth responding to
Shooting blanks not banks
As with the rest of them - if they vote to go on strike & do so it should be a lock-out until the matter is settled. None of this on-again-off-again, we'll do that but we won't do that business. When patients start dying (or not) someone will quake.
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Strange isn’t it?

Nurse slates Tories, loses job, lambasted on here as a ‘creature’.

Photographer gets manhandled out of Tory conference?
Automatically dismissed as nonsense without even reading the link.
Let’s hope too many nurses don’t frequent let alone hear about Answerbank?

Davebro, you’ve got a fascination with guns and advocating their use.
You really ought to maybe consider calling the NHS Helpline or take a break from AB?
You’re suffering from Rambo Syndrome(we called it ‘Walting’ when I served, as in Mitty), except the closest you’ve been to an M60 is the one you advocate using in your dreams on Chesil Beach on some newly-beached immigrants.
Take your own advice me old china, you desperately need it.
you've gone off on one again fatti - don't think I mentioned guns.
Having worked in the NHS I know nurses are not that badly off and have no need to use food banks. One nurse was talking about the ?40000? vacancies for nurses saying they couldn’t give patients the proper care. How much care will they receive when the nurses are on strike?
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//you've gone off on one again fatti - don't think I mentioned guns.//

Not on this thread, it’s your general demeanour on the other threads, you’d benefit from anger management or a spell off the net, some of your reply’s are alarming.

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