Didn't 59% in a recent poll want us to rejoin?
yeah but no but
isnt the one good thing, Boris hem hem was able to give aid first and strongly to Ukraine whilst Europe dithered ?
jdavis: "Suddenly the democratic will of the people isn't so important. " - probably the most moronic statement today. Did you actually read and understand the posts since your 59% claim?
jdavis: "Don't think anyone is suggesting we act on the basis of that poll alone. " - err so what does:
"If 59% want to rejoin, shouldn't we respect the will of the people? "
"Suddenly the democratic will of the people isn't so important. " - mean then?
Roy. I haven't read enough of your posts to know how you voted. I voted remain. If you read just a few of my posts you must know that I am far from anti UK. I voted remain because I care very much about what happens in the UK.
And please don't start with the rhyming slang. I never had you down for silly or childish.
Not this utter nonsense again surely ? Brexit has not been a disaster. As mentioned many times before it has stopped us being controlled by an unelected foreign elite and as such a resounding success. Any remaining issues are down to the EU refusing to sort out their own Irish border issues, and other groups we are signed up to still trying to tell us how to run things. These are issues that the next PM needs to sort, since previous ones seem reluctant to do anything but make statements and proving how useless that is. No doubt they must have come to understand this now.
//Not this utter nonsense again surely ? Brexit has not been a disaster//
You mean it’s been an unqualified success? Did I blink and miss it??
Must be just beyond the turd-ridden beaches where the sunlit uplands are?!
Anyone got directions, my Satnav is struggling to find it?
Its principal aim was to end the UK's membership of the EU. In that respect it has been a resounding and unarguable success. Not much else really matters. Incredible as it may seem, many countries outside the EU manage to survive and thrive. The UK will be one of them.