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Bbc Quiz : Week 45

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Buenchico | 20:01 Fri 11th Nov 2022 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
How come it’s always Friday? What keeps happening to all of the other days of the week?

I collected my new specs from Asda this afternoon and I’m clearly having difficulty in reading questions clearly. That’s my (lousy) excuse for an appalling TWO out of seven in the main quiz - and I’m sticking to it!

I only scored TWO, out of five this time of course, in the junior quiz too. (These new specs are obviously rubbish!).

I didn’t do a great deal better in the Timed Teaser either, with just FOUR out of ten. (I’m suing that ruddy optician!)

Please post your scores (which are almost certain to be a lot better than mine this week) below but don’t be too surprised if I can’t see them ;-)



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Two and two for me.
And another two to keep it neat.
I am sure you will have those specs worn in by next week, Chris!
Mine is a mixed bag this week.
2/7, 4/5, 5/10
Enjoy spoiling those kitties and hope you all have a great weekend :-)
Chris, I daren't tell you my scores. Just leave it at that! :o(
Ergh, 3, 3 and 3.
Question Author
Full marks, Cashier!
Er, for consistency, that is ;-)
[Thanks for making me feel a bit better about my own scores this week]

My previous sentence also applies to 10CS ;-)

A lot better than me, anyway, Karamia!
You're in the lead at the moment!
[I always enjoy spoiling the kitties, even when they manage to keep me awake all night to do it! I hope that your weekend goes well too!]
Question Author
Your aggregate is still better than mine, Clover!
I have been out and about this week getting Christmas decorations.
But I still picked up some of the news.
Better than I anticipated!



Evening Chris.




fell coming out the traps, kinda average in the other two

Hope this finds you well ; ))
Question Author
Christmas decorations in November? Bah, humbug, Kwillmott!
(Well done on beating me, even if it wasn't exactly difficult this week!)

Hi, Sam. An interesting collection of scores for you, I see, with a better aggregate than mine! (I continue to struggle on. I hope that you're well).
2/7 2/5 1/10 for me, a very bad week.
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Somebody else making me feel good about my own scores! Thanks, Canary ;-)

[Yes, it definitely seems to be one of the harder weeks!]
Pull the other Chris!!
Question Author
Better than me, twice over, Sharon!
Well you scored more than I did, Chris maybe I need new glasses.
2/7, 0/5 and 4/10 for me this week.
Question Author
>>> maybe I need new glasses

Would that be ones that hold a lot more alcohol then, Tony?

Well, they were somewhat obscure - that's my excuse too, but I've had these specs a couple of months :(

4/7 2/5 5/10 Don't feel bad, Buen!
Would that be ones that hold a lot more alcohol then, Tony?


Could be, Chris ;-)
2/7 v 2/7
2/5 v 3/5
4/10 v 5/10
Think my specs are working a bit better than yours:-)
Hope you're feeling better this week and your lovelies are looking after you. Shady has been stealing the cat food that I put out in the polytunnel for Mrs Hedgehog, no sign of them hibernating yet. I wouldn't mind but there's plenty of grub in the kitchen!
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A lot better than me, Jourdain2!

Well done on beating me this week, Haras2. Cats always seem to think that someone else's food (such as mine!) is far nicer than their own ;-)

The Troublesome Trio continue to bring me joy. Moonbeam now sleeps on my office chair downstairs most of the time (which is a lot better than when he wouldn't come indoors). Meanwhile, I have to try to find a way to sleep around Chequers (who insists upon taking up most of my bed), while Tablo comes under the covers with me for a cuddle.

I hope that you and Shady are both well and that you'll have a good weekend.

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