Why Have The Republicans Done So Poorly in The AnswerBank: News
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Why Have The Republicans Done So Poorly

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ichkeria | 10:51 Sat 12th Nov 2022 | News
22 Answers
in the US midterms?

With the Senate tied at 49-49 - Nevada and a runoff in Georgia pending, they’d have to take both to assume control and the Dems are catching up in Nevada.
They aren’t even guaranteed to take the House of Representatives as it stands
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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maybe the Americans are impressed by Biden's presidency?
There are significant numbers of Americans who have seen through Trump now.
W Bush, Obama and Trump all retained the Senate in their first midterm elections.
The momentum that gets a President elected in the first place is often still there 2 years in. It is the second term Presidents who usually lose the Senate, when people are getting fed up with them.

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The Republicans were projected to do a lot better in this first midterm
Although there were also some firm indications that the Dems would do better than feared.
It's a backlash against two things. Firstly Trump's attempted coup and his various election denying cronies.

Secondly the supreme Court judgement on abortion rights.

It's not an endorsement of the Biden presidency.
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The Democrats need 17 seats to hold the house and are ahead in 15 counts.

Hmmm …
Democrats have won Arizona. Just 1 seat away from control now having beaten Trump-backed Republican rival, Blake Masters.
Sorry, I think I’m a bit behind the curve on the overall results.
I think it goes a long way to showing just how sensitive the matter of abortion rights is in the US. It's not the only one by any means, but it runs deep nevertheless.
In traditional Republican states where they try to restrict or deny abortion, the Republicans have largely held on. (They probably always will.)
So many marginal swing states have thrown a massive amount of money and TV advertising at this very issue... to the Democrats' advantage.
I think it's abortion rights. I saw some voting figures - sorry, I can't remember where - where women were switching away from the Republicans quite noticeably.
The Times said it was a return to sanity by the American voting public.

Once a Trumpster or hanger on IS defeated in a poll, then the bubble is pricked. Five disparate candidates in different areas, who scream that the election was bent, you think "o god this has been tried before"
the abortion decision by the supreme court and the follow up campaign to clamp down on abortion in some states has drawn attention to what the goals of the republican party actually are

when you put it alongside their association with trump and the indifference that some relublicans seemed to show toward political violence by their supporters it is quite clear why their party was so unappealing even when the democrats are being blamed for the economic downturn
I agree with The Builder. I think the abortion issue has much to do with it.
they say it hasnt ( as in when you ask them)
as someone said: reps get abortions too

another commentator said that the voters had seen what rt wing christianity cd do to the system and had reeled back

all the supreme court anti abortion judges are .... roman catholics

Big thing in the Land of the Free - 1700 - govt by puritans ( or theocracy) gives way to democracy ( 1776 )

and Trumps admin was seen as too influenced by christian fundamentalists and not that pleased with the results. Trump had a personal chaplain who preached Gospel of Wealth - who God is gonna save, will be marked with riches on earth

pray to God for sweeties - Christ. jesus.
well it is Sudday
I guess enough Americans realised that they didn't want the American Taliban to take control of the USA.
Maybe American voters have seen through the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen. Perhaps they dont also want to elect climate change deniers
Have any of the defeated Republican candidates claimed they were robbed?
Yes Sandy. There are a few of them refusing to concede, but it seems like no-one's really paying much attention to it this time. Election officials are just going, you've played that card before. You lost, suck it up loser.
interesting analysis by somebody who wasn't expecting the Republicans to do well at all


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