To listen to many ABers we are a basket case and they hate their own nation. They seem to want us to be ruled by the EUSSR yet, the Channel seems to be full of people risking life and limb to get here. So are they mad? why do they not apply in the Utopia that is the EUSSR? I just don't get it. Why do people want to live in our "terrible" country?
i read 6000 are waiting in calais and elsewhere to get here, it's unsustainable and unfair on the uk population, it has to end.
we cannot absorb anymore.
Zacs at 23.00 - Regarding my comment about where my accuracy comes from, compared to 'Jeff' - I am not required to be 'accurate', I am simply offering a figure I read in the media.
'Jeff' on the other hand, is spouting guff on YouTube, and soliciting money from strangers to finance it, so his responsibility to be accurate is somewhat different.